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Exam Registration (Sit or Resit)

Economics Resit Examinations will take place in September 2024 and January 2025.

WBS resits will take place July 2024

September 2024 (Tuesday 27 August - Wednesday 11 September 2024)

January 2025 TBC

The Exams Office will release a full timetable week between 5th - 9th August. Note that at the time of publication these dates are correct, but may be subject to change.

Coursework re-submissions will be organised through Tabula and have separate deadlines.

Please complete and submit this form by 5.00pm Thursday 27 June 2024 if you do not wish to sit any of these exams.

If you have core module re-sits, you will be automatically entered for these exams.

If you do not complete this form before the above deadline you will be entered for all resits offered by the Exam Board. If you have more than two exams, you will not be able to proceed to dissertation.

This form is closed and is no longer accepting any submissions. Thank you for your time. Please email the PG office to request changes to the exams resit registration form.