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Teaching Preferences for Rest of Term 1

In the light of UK government’s recent move to a national lockdown from 12:01am Thursday 5th November, the University is considering its options in terms of the balance of face to face and online teaching we are providing.

Teaching on Economics modules is currently being delivered through a blended approach, with most modules having alternate weeks of face to face and online class teaching, whereas lectures are being delivered completely online.

While we can want to continue to offer our blended approach to teaching and learning, we understand that you might feel it is in the interests of your safety and wellbeing to have a different form of delivery. Therefore in order to consider our overall provision going forward, we are asking those of you who are currently registered in a class with a blended approach (with both online and in-person teaching) to give us your preferences on how you would prefer to be taught in your classes over the rest of this term (weeks 6-10). There is no need to complete this form if you are only taking online classes at present.

Please note that all University buildings are operating under strict guidelines, having undertaken stringent risk assessments, so it is our view that face-to-face teaching remains safe.

This survey is open until 10:00 Friday 6th November, and will enable us to take your preference into account in our planning. Should we not receive a response from you, we will assume that you are happy to continue with the current blended approach to class teaching.

Once we have received and analysed your responses, we will contact you to confirm the format of your class teaching for the rest of term, but until that point, please continue to attend your classes as currently scheduled.

This form is closed and is no longer accepting any submissions. Thank you for participating.