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Copy of Teaching and Learning Resources

The Department of Economics has an outstanding reputation and is constantly doing well in various rankings. For the latest information on our position in the subject league tables, NSS, PTES, etc, please visit Our Reputation.

We would like to keep progressing and developing our teaching and related activities and it’s our aim to provide our staff with all the resources needed to achieve this goal.


Information on schedules for graduate and undergraduate programe

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Important information regarding the exam period such as dates, regulations and a letter from Jeremy

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Your first few weeks

Some information for new academic staff and other teaching related questions

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GTA Information

Information and support to the Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) based in the Department..

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Module evaluation results

Results of Module Evaluations are available.

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Write a reference

The reference system makes it easier to access all the information you need to write student references.

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Assessment and Feedback

Assessment strategy, implementation plan and policy, as well as the generic marking criteria for both UG and PG modules.

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Teaching & Learning Seminars

Seminars touching on topics related to teaching pedagogy, teaching research and practical methods for Economics
See Moodle resource area

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Related teaching resources

Useful links to websites explaining topics in Teaching & Learning in the UK

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