Tutor Commendation
Tutor Commendation.
Thursday 21 JulyLast year, the Department instigated an annual process for choosing a few tutors for Special Commendation relating to their teaching activities during the year.
In this second year of the award, selection has again been made from the set of tutors who are neither staff members nor teaching or research fellows. A view has been taken on the basis of student feedback and more general information, including the challenge of the teaching tasks performed. Choosing winners has proved very difficult since we have had a very large number of excellent contributors to our teaching programmes this year. In the end, we have chosen 4 tutors for this Special Commendation, and they will also receive a small prize.
The winners for 2010-11 are
Wan-yu Chung
Theodore Koutmeridis
Nicola Pavanini
Nick Zammit
Many congratulations to them.
Norman Ireland