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News for June 2012

CAGE Director and Department of Economics Professor Nicholas Crafts argues that the rationale for a new Marshall Plan would be both to reduce the chances of ...

"Charities understand that giving is a social phenomenon, but public policy needs to reflect this further."

Department of Economics Professor Greg Crawford will be presenting at the Marketforce and IEA’S 10th Anniversary Conference, The Future of Broadcasting.

The RBS Enterprising Student Society Accreditation (ESSA), a national scheme that rewards and recognises enterprising student societies and the teams behind ...

Luis Rodriguez Lima, a MSc Economics graduate student at the University of Warwick was recently named the winner of an award from the United Nations Office o...

Economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that by now technology would have allowed work to be replaced by leisure. In a BBC clip Lord Robert Skidelsky, Emerit...

An article in the Guardian cites research by Professor of Economics and CAGE research associate, Eugenio Proto. The Guardian examines Prof. Proto's research ...

Writing in the Financial Times, Professor Marcus Miller and Emeritus Professor of Political Economy Lord Robert Skidelsky challenge George Osborne's high ris...

The Department of Economics congratulates Dani Caverzaschi on his participation in the 2012 Paralympic Games in London. Dani, who recently completed his firs...

Speaking at the University of Warwick on 31 May, Laurence J. Kotlikoff - Boston University economist and leading expert on fiscal policy, national savings an...