Alexander Stevenson - Economics 360
Alexander Stevenson - Economics 360
Thursday 20 Feb 2014Alexander Stevenson, author of 'The Public Sector: Managing the Unmanageable', will be giving the third talk of the Economics 360 lecture series on Tuesday 25th February, 6-7pm in room M1 (WBS Teaching Centre).
Alexander has worked as a private sector manager, as an entrepreneur and as an advisor to senior public sector managers. Having worked at the Financial Times Group, he set up RSe Consulting in 1999 with Ben Rowland. RSe provided management consultancy services to more than 150 public sector organisations and was bought by Tribal Group in 2008. Alexander currently has a variety of non-executive roles in the private and public sector including chair of Create Streets, trustee of the Young Foundation, trustee of Fight for Peace UK and Director of Arcus Global.
This talk is open to all undergraduate students and staff members in the Department. A drinks reception will be held in the M1 foyer after the talk.
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