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Warwick Economics Society awarded 'Best Academic Society'

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Warwick Economics Society awarded 'Best Academic Society'


The Department is pleased to report that the Warwick Economics Society was awarded ‘Best Academic Society’ at the recent Students’ Union Societies Awards.

The awards ceremony, which took place in Stratford-Upon-Avon, is a celebration of Warwick students’ extracurricular achievements. Upon receiving the award, current society members said:

We'd like to congratulate our outgoing exec for their phenomenal work over the last year in helping our society achieve this fantastic award.

Massive thanks also to our members for contributing so much to the success of the society; we're all really excited to continue building on this incredible success in order to make 2015-16 the best year yet.

The Department would like to congratulate the Society on their success and wish them luck for the future academic year.

The Warwick Economics Society is one of the longest standing academic societies and one of the largest on campus with over 1200 members and aims to deliver students a diverse range of events that help them to progress not only academically but also along their future career path.