Undergraduate students present papers at prestigious US conference
Undergraduate students present papers at prestigious US conference
Monday 27 Jul 2015Earlier this year, two Warwick Economics undergraduate students presented papers at an annual international conference in the United States.
Held at Georgetown University, The Carroll Round provides a unique forum for research and discussion among the world’s top undergraduates and encourages and supports scholarly innovation in the field.
Hameem Raees Chowdhury and Virginia Minni presented at the 2015 Carroll Round, with Hameem presenting his paper 'Microcredit vs. Poverty: A comparative study of Joint-Liability Repayment Rates within Microcredit Communities', and Virginia’s paper, 'Can greater bank capital lead to less bank lending? An analysis of the bank-level evidence from Europe', looked at the interplay between bank lending and bank capital in Europe.
Hameem and Virginia with keynote speaker, Dr George Akerlof.
About the experience, Virginia said:
The Carroll Round Conference was an incredible eye-opening experience. The people I met there are exceptional students with a strong drive for economics and passionate enthusiasm for research; I truly had an unforgettable time.”
Hameem, who was awarded '2015 Winner of the Award for Outstanding Participant' for his presentation and ‘deemed to have embodied what the Carroll Round objectifies’ added:
I wholeheartedly advise those of you passionate about economics to seize the opportunity to apply to the Carroll Round.
The level of participants at the conference only further motivate and push you towards bettering yourself and your work; the experience is invaluable and has left lasting memories of my time at Warwick.”
As well as the presentations by the participants, the event also included social gatherings and keynote speakers.
The papers presented by our final-year students are products of our unique undergraduate ‘Research in Applied Economics’ (RAE) project, which has been commended by both external examiners and students themselves for the value it adds to job applications and preparation for postgraduate study.