Rigissa Megalokonomou receives award for Unicredit and Universities Best Paper Award at the 2016 Belgrade Young Economists Conference
Rigissa Megalokonomou receives award for Unicredit and Universities Best Paper Award at the 2016 Belgrade Young Economists Conference
Monday 27 Jun 2016Rigissa Megalokonomou, a Teaching Fellow at Warwick University's Department of Economics, has been awarded the Unicredit and Universities Best Paper Award at this year's Belgrade Young Economists Conference, for her paper "Knowing who you are: The Effect of Feedback on Short and Long Term Outcomes".
The conference was established in 2011 with the aim to support young researchers from around the world in their further development. This year, the Faculty of Economics at the University of Belgrade organised the two-day conference in collaboration with the UniCredit and Universities Foundation and UniCredit Bank on June 11th – 12th 2016. A number of researchers from leading European and American Universities applied for the award, however only 11 researchers had the opportunity to present their papers, with only two authors being awarded a prize.
Rigissa commented;
Attending the conference was a unique experience for me since I had the opportunity to present my research, receive an provide feedback to other presenters, interact with fellow researchers and distinguished professors in many areas in Economics. Furthermore I had the opportunity to network with other motivated researchers who are also passionate about their research and I was impressed by the quality of their presentations