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Season’s Greetings from the Department of Economics

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Season’s Greetings from the Department of Economics

A seasonal message from our Head of Department...

We are approaching the end of the first term for this academic year. With the festive season upon us, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a relaxing break over the holiday period, spending time with family and friends (where possible).

We hope that 2023 will be a great year for all, bringing health, happiness and prosperity to you and your families.

A number of festive events are happening on campus, for details of activities please visit the University's Christmas at Warwick webpageLink opens in a new window.

Department Closure Dates

The department will be closed over the festive holiday from 5pm on Thursday 22nd December 2022 to Tuesday January 3rd 2023.

Best Wishes,

Professor Ben Lockwood

Head of Department - Economics