REStud Tour 2024

REStud Tour 2024
Monday 13 May 2024The Department of Economics is pleased to have been chosen as this year’s host of the prestigious event organised by the Review of Economic Studies – the REStud Tour which starts today at Warwick campus.
The REStud Tour is an annual event at which some of the best graduating doctoral students in economics and finance in the world, called the ‘tourists’ are invited to present their research to audiences in leading economics departments across Europe.
Founded in 1933 by a group of Economists from leading UK and US departments, The Review of Economic Studies is one of the core economics journals, consistently ranking among the top five titles, and essential reading for economists. The REStud Tour is aligned to one of the Review’s objectives - to encourage research in theoretical and applied economics, especially by young economists, and to publish the results in the Journal.
The REStud Tour will take place at Warwick over two days (13 and 14 May) and staff and students from the Department of Economics at Warwick, as well as several external guests will be joining the event to welcome the REStud tourists and to watch their presentation.
We are excited to welcome this year's REStud Tourists:
- Anna Russo - MIT, 'Additionality and Asymmetric Information in Environmental Markets: Evidence from Conservation Auctions'
- Nina Buchmann - Stanford University, 'Paternalistic Discrimination'
- Roberto Corrao - MIT, 'Mediation Markets: The Case of Soft Information'
- Frank Yang - Stanford Graduate School of Business, 'Nested Bundling'
- Agostina Brinatti - University of Michigan, 'Third-Country Effects of US Immigration Policy'
- Hugo Lhullier - Princeton University, 'Should I Stay or Should I Grow?'
- Benny Kleinman - University of Chicago, 'Wage Inequality and the Spatial Expansion of Firms'
Professor Caroline Elliott, who is an official host of the REStud Tour at Warwick commented:
“We are absolutely delighted to welcome seven REStud tourists to Warwick Economics. This is a hugely prestigious event, and I’m honoured that we’ve been chosen this year to host the UK leg of the REStud Tour. We’re looking forward to meeting some of the most promising young economists and to hearing about their innovative research.”
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