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Workshop on Inequality

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Workshop on Inequality

Co-organisers: Professor Sayantan Ghosal and Dr Sanchari Roy

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from across the world working on various aspects of inequality, ranging from issues of gender and income to newer forms of inequality thrown up by the changing global economy, and their interface with economic growth


09.00 - 09.25 Registration and Coffee
09.25 -09.30 Welcome Address by Professor Sayantan Ghosal
Session 1: Human Capital Session Chair: Anandi Mani
09.30 -10.20 Sonia Bhalotra (Bristol)
Is The Captain of the Men of Death Still At Play? Long-Run Impacts of Early Life Pneumonia Exposure during the Sulfa Drug Revolution in America
10.20 - 11.10 Sanchari Roy (Warwick)
Empowering Women: Inheritance Rights and Female Education in India
11.10 - 11.25 Coffee
Session 2: Entrepreneurship and Informality Session Chair: Rocco Machiavello
11.25 - 12.15 Chris Woodruff (Warwick)
What is the Cost of Formality? Experimentally Estimating the Demand for Formalization
12.15 - 13.05 Ajit Mishra (Bath)
Informality, Corruption and Inequality
13.05 - 14.05 Lunch
Session 3: Aspirations and Inequality Session Chair: Sharun Mukand
14.05 - 14.55 Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse (IFPRI)
The Formation of Aspirations – An Empirical Analysis
14.55 - 15.45 Patricio Dalton (Tilburg)
Poverty and Aspirations Failure
15:45 – 16.00 Coffee
Session 3: Identity, Technology, Adoption and Inequality Session Chair: Sayantan Ghosal
16.00 - 16.50 Francois Maniquet (CORE, Louvain) with Claudia Hupkau (CORE, Louvain)
Poverty, reflected appraisals, and non-take-up
16.50 - 17.40 Chris Doyle (Warwick)
ICT and the Digital Divide: Does it Matter?
18.30 Drinks
19.00 Dinner