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Credit supply and green Investments

Credit supply and green Investments

615/2022 Antonio Accetturo, Giorgia Barboni, Michele Cascarano, Emilia Garcia-Appendini and Marco Tomasi
working papers, public policy
The Social Science Research Network

615/2022 Antonio Accetturo, Giorgia Barboni, Michele Cascarano, Emilia Garcia-Appendini and Marco Tomasi

Does an increase in credit supply affect firms’ likelihood to invest in green technologies? To answer this question, we use text algorithms to extract information on green investments from the comments to the financial statements of Italian SMEs between 2015 and 2019. To identify the effect of credit supply, we use all loans disbursed by banks operating in Italy to construct a firm-specific time-varying instrument for credit availability. We find a large positive elasticity of green investments to credit supply. The effect is concentrated among firms with high availability of internal capital and in areas with higher preferences for environmental protection. Subsidies and market competition can spur green investments if combined with environmental awareness.

Public Policy

The Social Science Research Network