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Workshop Series

Apart from the main seminar series, CRETA runs weekly internal workshop series:

Microeconomics Work in Progress (MIWP): This workshop series consists of both internal and external speakers. The aim is to provide feedback to early-stage research ideas.

Microeconomics Reading Group (MIRG): This workshop series consists of internal speakers, mainly research students. The aim is to have a critical discussion of the current trends in the economic theory literature.

MIRG & MIWP - Programme 2023/24

Date Speaker
20th June

Yatish Arya (Ashoka University)
Title: Inequality and Efficient Distribution of Essentials: Market Segmentation as a Policy Instrument

13th June

Christopher Burnitt (Warwick PGR)
Title: Let them vote (to stay): Independence movements and secession clauses

6th June

Gautam Bose (UNSW)
Title: "Affirmative action, equal opportunity, or just tax the rich? Development, efficiency, and the pursuit of equity
Debraj Ray (Warwick)
Title: "Coalitional Nash Bargaining: An Axiomatic Approach

30th May

Ehud Kalai (Northwestern)
Title: Contagious Implementation in Prisoner’s Dilemma and Beyond

23rd May

Massimiliano Furlan (Warwick PGR)
Title: Deep Learning to play games

16th May

Raghav Malhotra (Leicester)
Title: Finite Tests from Functional Characterizations

7th May

Kevin He (Penn)
Title: Learning from Viral Content

2nd May

Peter Hammond (Warwick)
Title: Prerational Behaviour in Decision Trees Admitting Timed Consequence Nodes with or without Menu Consequences

25th April

Xueying Zhao (PGR Warwick)
Title: Selling data with private information source

14th March

Harry Pei (Northwestern)
Title: Community Enforcement with Endogenous Records

23rd November

Arina Nikandrova (City)
The Effect of Mergers on Innovations

16th November

Massimiliano Furlan (MRes, Warwick)
Title: Cheap Talking Algorithms

9th November

Raghav Malhotra (Leicester)

Title: Inequality and Taxation of Bundles: Market Segmentation as a Policy Instrument

2nd November

Alkis Georgiadis-Harris (Warwick)
Title: “Smart Banks"

19th October
Pablo Beker (Warwick)
Title: If You’re NOT So Smart, Why Are You Rich? Robust Market Selection with General Recursive Preferences
18th October
Phil Reny (Chicago)
Title: Natural Language Equilibrium: Signaling Games

MIRG & MIWP - Programme 2022/23

Date Speaker
27th October
Francesco Rocciolo (Imperial)
Title: Responsible Investing under Ambiguity Induced by Climate Uncertainty
3rd November

Monica Giovanniello (University of Balearic Islands)
Title: What about equity in a spatial model of public services

10th November
Hyungmin Park (Warwick)

Title: Subcontracting Away Strategic Uncertainty

24th November
Agustin Troccoli Moretti (Warwick)
Title: History-Dependent Self-Control and Emotional Decision-Making
1st December
Doruk Cetemen (City University of London)
Title: Dynamic Predation and Entry Deterrence
23rd February
Xueying Zhao (Warwick)
Title: Signaling effect of information design
9th March
Nick Scholz (Warwick)
Title: Partition Dependent Expected Utility
16th March

Peter Hammond (Warwick)
Title: Quantum Observables as Kolmogorov Random Variables

1st June

Pablo Beker (Warwick)
Title: The Market Selection Hypothesis with Recursive Preferences: A General Framework and Robustness Analysis

MIRG & MIWP - Programme 2021/22

Date Speaker
11th November
Dimitri Migrow (U.Calgary)
Title: Strategic Observational Learning
17th February
Yating Yuan
Title: Herding and versioning
24th February
Jose Rivero Wildemauwe (CY Cergy Paris Universite)
Title: Bargaining with Moral Agents
3rd March
Peter Hammond
Title: Rationality of Decisions That Avoid Predictably Regrettable Consequences
10th March
Nick Scholz
Title: A continuous time health mechanism without money and increasing need for treatment
17th March
Agustin Troccoli Moretti
Title: Lead Us Not Into Temptation: on the Dynamics of History Dependent Self-Control
19th May
Adrien Vigier (Nottingham)

MIRG & MIWP - Programme 2020/21

Date Speaker
1st October
Yating Yuan
Title: Information design in the hold up problem
15th October
Xueying Zhao
Title: Bayesian Persuasion with Heterogeneous Priors  
22nd October
Nick Scholtz
Title: On the Identification of Changing Tastes
29th October
Augustin Troccoli Moretti
Title: Indecisiveness, Undesirability and Ovearload Revealed Through Rational Choice Deferral
12th November
Xueying Zhao
Title: Media bias in the marketplace
26th November
Raghav Malhotra
Title: A general theory of tests
1oth December
Costas Cavounidis
Title: Multidimensional Human Capital and General Equilibrium
4th March

Ilan Kremer
"Persuasion with Multiple Actions" (joint with Davit Khantadze and Andrzej Skrzypacz)

11th March

Peter Hammond
Rationality in Enlivened Decision Trees

18th March

Nick Scholtz
A Comprehensive Approach to Revealed Preference Theory

23rd March

Raghav Malhotra
Introducing Market Segregation as a Policy Instrument

22nd April

Anastasios Dosis
On the Informed Principal Model with Common Values

29th Apr

Costas Cavounidis
A somewhat general theory of workers, skills, jobs and General Equilibrium. Who does what - and why

6th May

Costas Cavounidis
Education and Human Capital in General Equilibrium: Who does what - and why

27th May

Raghav Malhotra
Variance based of aggregate demand

17th June

Costas Cavounidis
Losing by Betting on Success

24th June

Jacob Glazer
Data-Based Predictions: Holistic and Atomistic Procedures

MIWP - Programme 2019/20

Date Speaker
10th October 2019 Shurojit Chatterji (SMU)
24th October 2019 Costas Cavounidis (Warwick Economics)
14th November 2019 Ayush Pant (Warwick PGR student)
21st November 2019 Daniel Habermacher (Warwick PGR student)
20th February 2020 Daniele Condorelli (Warwick Economics)
05th March 2020 Raghav Malhotra (Warwick PGR student)
12th March 2020 Anastasios Dosis (ESSEC Business School)
TERM 3 Transferred to seminar slots due to COVID-19

MIWP - Programme 2018/19

Date Speaker
4th October 2018 Dezso Szalay (Bonn)
25th October 2018

Davit Khantadze (Warwick - PGR student)

Title: Two-Dimensional Information Design

31st October 2018

Dimitri Migrow (Calgary)

Title: Designing Organizations in Volatile Markets

1st November 2018 Raghav Malhotra (Warwick - PGR student)
14th November 2018

Federico Trombetta (Warwick - PGR student)

Title: The Newsroom Dilemma: Media Competition, Speed and the Quality of Journalism

22nd November 2018

Daniel Habermacher (Warwick - PGR student)

Title: Authority and Information Acquisition in Cheap Talk with Informational Interdependence

28th November 2018

Olga Gorelkina (Liverpool)

Title: Collusion via Information Sharing and Optimal Auctions

7th February 2019

Thomas Epper (University of St. Gallen)

6th March 2019

Can Urgun (Princeton University)

7th March

Kaustav Das (University of Leicester)

2nd May 2019

Irina Kholodenko (Warwick PGR student)

9th May 2019

Sambuddha Ghosh (Boston University)

23rd May

Ayush Pant (Warwick PGR student)

MIWP - Programme 2017/18

Date Speaker

June 5th

Debraj Ray
Title: "Games of Love and Hate"

May 23rd

Harry Di Pei (MIT)
Title: "Repeated Interactions without Commitment"

May 16th

Anqi Li (Washington in St. Louis)
Title: "The Politics of Attention

May 9th

Pablo Beker
Title: TBC

May 2nd

John Thanassoulis (WBS)
Title: "Does Competition Encourage (or Deter) Unethical Firm Behaviour?"

March 14th

Angel Hernando-Veciana
Title: "A Geometric Approach to the Complexity of Mechanisms"

March 8th

Efthymios Smyrniotis
Title: "Strategic Bankruptcy: A Game of Coordination and the Effects of Stress tests"

February 21st

Sinem Hidir
Title: "Information Acquisition and Credibility in Cheap Talk"

November 29th

Giulio Trigilia (Rochester)
Title: "Voluntary disclosure under dynamic moral hazard"

November 22nd

Wentao Fu
Title: "Optimal contract to reward private experimentation"

November 9th

Tatiana Mayskaya (Higher School of Economics (ICEF and FES))
Title: TBC

November 1st

Guillem Ordonez Calafi
Title: "Blockholder Disclosure Thresholds and Hedge Fund Activism"

October 25th

Davit Khantadze
Title: "Two-Dimensional Bayesian Persuasion"

October 18th

Yair Antler (Essex)
Title: "Multilevel Marketing: Pyramid-Shaped Schemes or Exploitation Scams?"

MIRG - Programme 2017/18

Date Speaker

February 15th

Federico Trombetta
Title: “When to Drop a Bombshell” by Gratton, Holden, and Kolotilin

February 8th

Zeinab Aboutalebi
Title: “Discriminatory Information Disclosure” by Li and Shi

February 1st

Raghav Malhotra
Title: “Almost fully revealing cheap talk with imperfectly informed senders” by Ambrus and Lu

November 30th

Ayush Pant
Title: "Moving the Goalposts" by Ely and Szydlowski

November 23rd

Yatish Arya
Title: TBC

November 15th

Daniel Habermacher
Title: "Rational Inattention and Organizational Focus" (Dessein et al, 2016)

MIWP - Programme 2016/17

Date Speaker

May 24th

Tobias Deiler (University of Bristol)
Title: "Anonymous Lending with Insurance"

May 17th

Spyros Terovitis (University of Warwick)
Title: "The Impact of Credit Rating Agencies on Capital Markets"

May 10th

Rahul Deb (University of Toronto)
Title: "Evaluating Strategic Forecasters"

March 8th

Guillem Ordonez (University of Warwick)
Title: "TBC"

March 1st

Jacopo Bizzotto (University of Oslo)
Title: "How to Persuade a Long-Run Decision Maker"

February 22nd

Matteo Foschi (EUI)
Title: "Temptation in Markets with no Commitment: Type-Ordering Reversal"

February 15th

Johannes Schneider (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Title: "Managing a Conflict"

December 7th

Daniel Habermacher (University of Warwick)
Title: "Multidimensional Cheap Talk with Correlated Information"

November 23rd

Raghul Venkatesh (University of Warwick)
Title: "Activism, Costly Participation, and Polarization"

November 16th

Guillem Ordonez (University of Warwick)
Title: "Network Capital"

November 9th

Antonio Rosato (University of Technology Sydney)
Title: "Loss Aversion and Competition in Vickrey Auctions: Money Ain’t No Good"

November 2nd

Spyros Terovitis (University of Warwick)
Title: "Motivating Information Acquisition Under Delegation"

November 1st

Tasos Dosis (ESSEC)
Title: "On the Informed Principal Model with Common Values"

October 26th

Christoph Wolf (Mannheim)
Title: "Information Milestones in Experimentation"

MIRG - Programme 2015/16

Date Speaker

June 1st

Yatish Arya
Title: "Bonus Culture: Competitive Pay, Screening, and Multitasking" (Benabou and Tirole , JPE 2016)

Bénabou and Tirole

May 11th

Irina Kholodenko
Title: "Ostracism and Forgiveness" (Ali and Miller, AER 2016)

March 9th

Spyros Terovitis
Title: "Dynamic Disclosures and the Secondaty Market for Loan Sales" (Cianciaruso et al., WP)

March 2nd

Zeinab Aboutalebi
Title: "Suspense and Surprise"(Ely et al., JPE 2015)

March 23rd

Nika Koreli
Title: "Selling Information" (Horner and Skrzypacz, JPE forthcoming)

February 16th

Federico Trombetta
Title: "Persuading Voters "(Alonso and Camara, AER 2016)

February 9th

Daniel Habermacher
Title: "Bayesian persuasion with heterogenous priors" (Alonso and Camara, JET 2016)

January 26th

Sinem Hidir
Title: "The design and price of information" (Bergemann et al., WP)

December 1st

Daniel Habermacher
Title: "Strategic Information Acquisition and Transmission" (Argenziano et al., AEJ 2016)

November 24th

Federico Trombetta
Title: "The sound of silence: Political accountability and libel law" (Gratton, EJPE 2015)

November 17th

Yatish Arya
Title: "Implementing the wisdom of the crowd" (Kremer et al., JPE 2014)

November 10th

Zeinab Aboutalebi
Title: "Dynamic Delegation of Experimentation" (Guo, AER 2016)

November 31st

Felix Forster
Title: "Social Experimentation with Interdependent and Expanding Technologies" (Garfagnini and Strulovici, REStud 2016)

October 27th

Sinem Hidir
Title: "Timing Decisions in Organizations: Communication and Authority in a Dynamic Environment" (Grenadier et al. AER 2016)

October 20th

Ayush Pant
Title: "Learning, Experimentation and Information Design" (Horner and Skrzypacz, Survey)

Microeconomics Reading Group in Macroeconomic Theory (MIMA)

This weekly seminar series consists of internal (mainly research students) and external speakers. The aim of the talks are to have a critical discussion on the seminal papers on theoretical foundations of macroeconomics and public policy, as well as review the latest developments in the literature.

MIMA Programme - 2022/23

Date Speaker
1st March MIMA 1 day workshop

MIMA Programme - 2021/22

Date Speaker
20th Oct Agustin Troccoli - Advances in economics and econometrics:
27th Oct Alperen Tosun - Temptation and Taxation.
17th Nov Carolina Kansikas - Memory, Attention, and Choice.
12th Jan Diego Calderon - The Tail That Wags the Economy: Beliefs and Persistent Stagnation
19th Jan Chen Lian (Berkeley) - Determinacy without the Taylor Principle
26th Jan Nikolaos Kokonas (Bath) - Equilibrium unemployment and vacancies under exponential satisficing behaviour
2nd Feb Carolina Kansikas - Memory, Attention, and Choice
9th Feb Asgerdur Petursdottir (Bath) - Central Bank Account for All: Efficiency and Risk Taking
16th Feb George Ferridge - Peak-End Theory and the Structure of Memory
23rd Feb Jean-Jacques Herings (Tilburg) - Moved to the SET seminar
2nd Mar Lingsi Wei (Bath) - Cancelled
9th Mar Bogdan Marcu - cancelled
16th Mar Theofanis Papamichalis (Oxford) - Belief Heterogeneity and Risk Amplification
31st May

Oliver Pfäuti (Yale)
Title: A Behavioral Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian Model

MIMA Programme - 2020/21

Date Speaker    
2nd Oct H. Alperen Tosun - Golosov, Tsyvinski and Werning (2006)    
14th Oct Angelica Martinez Leyva - Michael Woodford (2020)    
21st Oct Edoardo Tolva - Arkolakis, Costinot and Rodriguez-Clare (2012)    
28th Oct See Yu Chan - Mian, Straub and Sufi (2020)    
4th Nov Gabriele Guaitoli - Guerrieri-Lorenzoni-Straub-Werning(2020)    
11th Nov Ivan Yotzov - Optimal Spatial Policies, Geography, and Sorting    
18th Nov Yaolang Zhong - The AI Economist: Improving Equality and Productivity with AI-Driven Tax Policies    
25th Nov Lingsi Wei (University of Bath) - Financial Innovation, Macro-prudential Policies and Leverage Cycles    
2nd Dec Aruhan Shi - Forward Guidance and Durable Goods Demand // Lumpy Durable Consumption Demand and the Limited Ammunition of Monetary Policy    
9th Dec Julian Ashwin (Oxford) - Resolving indeterminacy with neural network learning : sinks become sources    
20th Jan Efthymis Smyrniotis (Bristol) - The Optimal Degree of Discretion in Monetary Policy.    
27th Jan See Yu Chan - The State of New Keynesian Economics: A Partial Assessment    
3rd Feb H. Alperen Tosun - Monetary Policy and Multiple Equilibria    
10th Feb Raghav Malhotra - What Fiscal Policy Is Effective at Zero Interest Rates    
17th Feb Cancelled    
24th Feb Nikos Kokonas (Bath) - Zero Bound on Interest Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy    
3rd Mar Nikos Kokonas (Bath) Continued    
10th Mar Anshumaan Tuteja - The Forward Guidance Puzzle    
17th Mar Lingsi Wei (Bath) - Monetary policy, bounded rationality, and incomplete markets    
24th Mar Diego Calderon - Credit booms, Financial cycles and Macroprudential policies    
26th May Lingsi Wei (Bath) - Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Consumers    
2nd June Alperen Tosun - Rare Disasters, Asset Prices, and Welfare Costs
16th June Puru Gupta - Local martingales, Bubbles and Option Prices    
30th June Amedeo Andriollo - Ambiguity, Learning, and Asset Returns    
14th July Oliver Pfäuti - Monetary Policy in Times of Low Attention    

MIMA Summer Programme - 2020

Date Speaker
3rd June H. Alperen Tosun - Fiscal-Monetary Theories of Inflation
10th June H. Alperen Tosun - Ten Monetary Doctrines
17th June Herakles Polemarchakis - OLG Models
24th June Nick Scholz - Bewley Incomplete Market Models
3rd July Raghav Malhotra - Foundations of Fiscal Policy
10th July Raghav Malhotra - Taxation
15th July Gabriele Guaitoli - Optimal fiscal and monetary policy in an economy without capital
22nd July Gabriele Guaitoli - continuation of last weeks presentation
29th July H. Alperen Tosun - An Exploration in the Theory of Optimum Income Taxation.
5th August H. Alperen Tosun - continuation of last weeks presentation
26th August Ivan Yotzov - Irreversibility, Uncertainty, and Cyclical Investment
2nd September Nikos Kokonas - Imperfect Common Knowledge and the Effects of Monetary Policy