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Church, K.B., Sault, J.E., Sgherri, S. and Wallis, K.F. (2000). Comparative properties of models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review, No.171, 106-122.

Mitchell, P.R., Sault, J.E. and Wallis, K.F. (2000). Fiscal policy rules in macroeconomic models: principles and practice. Economic Modelling, 17, 171-193.

Smith, P.N. (2000). Output price determination and the business cycle. Economic Modelling, 17, 49-69.


Church, K.B. (1999). Properties of the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate in the Treasury model. National Institute Economic Review, No.169, 96-104.

Diebold, F.X., Tay, A.S. and Wallis, K.F. (1999). Evaluating density forecasts of inflation: the Survey of Professional Forecasters. In Cointegration, Causality, and Forecasting: A Festschrift in Honour of Clive W.J. Granger (R.F. Engle and H.White, eds), pp.76-90. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Peeters, M. (1999). The public-private savings mirror and causality relations among private savings, investment and (twin) deficits: a full modelling approach. Journal of Policy Modelling, 21, 579-605.

Wallis, K.F. (1999). Asymmetric density forecasts of inflation and the Bank of England's fan chart. National Institute Economic Review, No.167, 106-112.


Church, K.B., Mitchell, P.R., Sault, J.E. and Wallis, K.F. (1998). Technical progress and the natural rate in models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review, No.164, 80-89.
Reprinted in Econometric Modelling: Techniques and Applications (S. Holly and M.R. Weale, eds), pp.254-275. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Church, K.B., Mitchell, P.R. and Wallis, K.F. (1998). Short-run rigidities and long-run equilibrium in large-scale macroeconometric models. In Market Behaviour and Macroeconomic Modelling (S. Brakman, H. van Ees and S.K. Kuipers, eds), pp.221-241. London: Macmillan.

Church, K.B. and Wallis, K.F. (1998). Comment on "JADE: A model for the Joint Analysis of Dynamics and Equilibrium" by F. Huizinga. CPB Report, 1998 No.4, pp.49-50.

Douven, R. and Peeters, M. (1998). GDP spillovers in multi-country models. Economic Modelling, 15, 163-195.

Mitchell, P.R., Sault, J.E., Smith, P.N. and Wallis, K.F. (1998). Comparing global economic models. Economic Modelling, 15, 1-48.


Church, K.B., Mitchell, P.R., Sault, J.E. and Wallis, K.F. (1997). Comparative properties of models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review, No.161, 91-100.

Wallis, K.F. (1997). Memorandum on the Accountability of the Bank of England submitted to the Treasury Committee. In Accountability of the Bank of England, First Report of the Treasury Committee Session 1997-98, HC282, pp.24-25. London: The Stationery Office, 1997.


Church, K.B. and Curram, S.P. (1996). Forecasting consumers' expenditure: a comparison between econometric and neural network models. International Journal of Forecasting, 12, 255-267.

Church, K.B., Mitchell, P.R., Smith P.N. and Wallis, K.F. (1996). Targeting inflation: comparative control exercises on models of the UK economy. Economic Modelling, 13, 169-184.


Church, K.B., Mitchell, P.R., Smith, P.N. and Wallis, K.F. (1995). Comparative properties of models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review No.153, 59-72.

Smith, P.N. and Wallis, K.F. (1995). Policy simulations and long-run sustainability in forward-looking macroeconometric models. In L. Schoonbeek, E. Sterken and S.K. Kuipers (eds), Methods and Applications of Economic Dynamics, pp.203-221. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Wallis, K.F. (1995). Large-scale macroeconometric modeling. In M.H. Pesaran and M.R. Wickens (eds), Handbook of Applied Econometrics, pp.312-355. Oxford: Blackwell.


Church, K.B. and Wallis, K.F. (1994). Aggregation and homogeneity of prices in models of the UK economy. In S.Holly (ed), Money, Inflation and Employment, pp.194-221. Aldershot: Edward Elgar.

Church, K.B., Smith, P.N. and Wallis, K.F. (1994). Econometric evaluation of consumers' expenditure equations. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 10, No.2, 71-85.

Church, K.B., Mitchell, P.R., Smith, P.N. and Wallis, K.F. (with the assistance of N. Rankin and M.R. Weale) (1994). Wealth, financial deregulation, expectations and consumer behaviour. Government Economic Service Working Paper No.122. London: HM Treasury.


Church, K.B., Mitchell, P.R., Smith, P.N. and Wallis, K.F. (1993). Comparative properties of models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review No.145, 87-107.

Smith, P.N. (1993). Modelling risk premia in international asset markets. European Economic Review, 37, 159-176.

Wallis, K.F. (1993). Comparing macroeconometric models: a review article. Economica, 60, 225-237.

Wallis, K.F. (1993). On macroeconomic policy and macroeconometric models. Economic Record, 69, 113-130.


Church, K.B. (1992). Properties of the Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rate in models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review No.141, 62-70.

Fisher, P.G. (1992). Nonstationary model solution techniques and the USA algorithm: some practical experience. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 16, 109-116 (with A.J. Hughes Hallett).

Fisher, P.G. (1992). Nonstationary model solution techniques and the USA algorithm.. In D.A. Belsley, H.M.Amman and L.F. Pau (eds), Computational Economics and Econometrics, pp.107-119. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (with A.J. Hughes Hallett).

Fisher, P.G. and Wallis, K.F. (1992). Seasonality in large-scale macroeconometric models. Journal of Forecasting, 11, 255-270

Fisher, P.G., Turner, D.S. and Wallis, K.F. (1992). Forward unit root exchange-rate dynamics and the properties of large-scale macroeconometric models. In C.P. Hargreaves (ed.), Macroeconomic Modelling of the Long Run, pp.207-228. Aldershot: Edward Elgar.

Turner, D.S. (1992). The multiplier in practice. Economic Review, November 1992, 28-31.

Whitley, J.D. (1992) Comparative simulation analysis of the European multicountry models. Journal of Forecasting, 11, 423-458.

Whitley, J.D (1992). Aspects of monetary union - model-based simulation results. In R.J. Barrell and J.D. Whitley (eds), Macroeconomic Policy Coordination in Europe, pp.102-151. London: Sage Publications.


Church, K.B., Mitchell, P.R., Turner, D.S., Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1991). Comparative properties of models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review No.137, 59-74.

Turner, D.S. (1991). The determinants of the NAIRU response in simulations on the Treasury model. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 53, 225-242.

Turner, D.S. (1991). The PC-Ready Reckoner program. Economic and Financial Computing, 1, 115-209 (with G.A. Macdonald).

Turner, D.S. and Whitley, J.D. (1991). The importance of the distinction between long- and short-term unemployment in UK macroeconometric models. Applied Economics, 23, 1281-1297.

Wallis, K.F. (1991). Some recent developments in policy making with macroeconometric models. In J. Gruber (ed.), Econometric Decision Models: New Methods of Modeling and Applications, pp.15-36. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Wallis, K.F. (1991). Metodos de simulacion para modelos macroeconometricos de granescala. Cuardenos Economicos de ICE, No.48, 11-30. (Translation of "Simulation methods for large-scale macroeconometric models".)

Wallis, K.F, and Whitley, J.D. (1991). Sources of error in forecasts and expectations: UK economic models, 1984-88. Journal of Forecasting, 10, 231-253.

Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1991). Large-scale econometric models of national economies: Part 1, Some current developments: Part 2, Comparative properties of models of the Nordic economies. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 93, 283-314. Reprinted in S.Hylleberg and M. Paldam (eds), New Approaches to Empirical Economics, pp.155-186. Oxford: Blackwell.

Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1991). Memorandum on Official Economic Forecasting submitted to the Treasury and Civil Service Committee. In Memoranda on Official Economic Forecasting, House of Commons Paper No.532-i, pp.67-75. London: HMSO.

Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1991). Macro models and macro policy in the 1980s. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 7, 118-127.


Fisher, P.G. (1990). Optimal control techniques for large, nonlinear, rational expectations models. In N. Christodoulakis (ed.), Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies, pp.101-108. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Fisher, P.G. (1990). On economic structures and model solution methods. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 52, 317-330 (with A.J. Hughes Hallett).

Fisher, P.G. and Wallis, K.F. (1990). The historical tracking performance of UK macroeconometric models 1978-85. Economic Modelling, 7, 179-197.

Fisher, P.G., Turner, D.S., Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1990). Comparative properties of models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review No.133, 91-104.

Fisher, P.G., Tanna, S.K., Turner, D.S., Wallis, K.F.and Whitley, J.D.(1990). Econometric evaluation of the exchange rate in models of the UK economy. Economic Journal, 100, 1230-1244.

Turner, D. S. (1990). The role of judgement in macroeconomic forecasting. Journal of Forecasting, 9, 315-345.

Turner, D.S. (1990). Does the UK face a balance of payments constraint? In N. Christodoulakis (ed.), Dynamic Modelling and Control of National Economies, pp.423-429. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Turner, D.S. (1990). Macroeconomic modelling on the PC: the case of the PC-Ready Reckoner. Computer Applications in Business and the Social Sciences, 1, 59-72 (with G. Macdonald).


Fisher, P.G., Tanna, S.K., Turner, D.S., Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1989). Comparative properties of models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review No.129, 69-87.

Turner, D.S. (1989). A ready reckoner package for macroeconomics teaching. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 51, 193-211 (with G. Macdonald).

Turner, D.S., Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1989). Using macroeconometric models to evaluate policy proposals. In A.J.C. Britton (ed.), Policymaking with Macroeconomic Models, pp.103-150. Aldershot: Gower.

Turner, D.S., Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1989). Differences in the properties of large-scale macroeconometric models: the role of labour market specifications. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 4, 317-344.

Wallis, K.F. (1989). Macroeconomic forecasting: a survey. Economic Journal, 99, 28-61. Reprinted in A.J. Oswald (ed.), Surveys in Economics, pp.48-81. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991.

Whitley, J.D. (1989). Comment on "The impact of monetary policy on inflation: modelling the UK experience" by D.J. Mackie, D.Miles and C. Taylor. In A.J.C. Britton (ed.), Policymaking with Macroeconomic Models, pp.185-188. Aldershot: Gower.


Fisher, P.G. (1988). Efficient solution techniques for linear and non-linear rational expectations models. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 12, 635-657 (with A.J. Hughes Hallett).

Fisher, P.G. (1988). Iterative techniques for solving simultaneous equation systems: a view from the economics literature. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 24, 241-255 (with A.J. Hughes Hallett).

Fisher, P.G., Tanna, S.K., Turner, D.S., Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1988). Comparative properties of models of the UK economy. National Institute Economic Review No.125, 69-87.

Wallis, K.F. (1988), Empirical models and macroeconomic policy analysis. In R.C. Bryant et al. (eds), Empirical Macroeconomics for Interdependent Economies, pp.225-237. Washington DC: Brookings Institution.

Wallis, K.F. (1988). Some recent developments in macroeconometric modelling in the United Kingdom. Australian Economic Papers, 27, 7-25.

Wallis, K.F. (1988). Discussion of "A survey of non-Dutch European macroeconomic models: some international perspective" by R.G. Bodkin. In W. Driehuis, M.M.G. Fase and H. den Hartog (eds), Challenges for Macroeconomic Modelling, pp.225-237. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Whitley, J.D. (1988) Hours reductions within large-scale macroeconomic models: conflict between theory and empirical application. In R.A. Hart (ed.), Employment, Unemployment and Labor Utilization, pp.228-252. London: Unwin Hyman (with R.A. Wilson).


Andrews, M.J. (1987). The aggregate labour market: an empirical investigation into market clearing for the UK. Economic Journal, 97, 157-176.

Fisher, P.G. (1987). The convergence characteristics of iterative techniques for solving econometric models. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 49, 231-244 (with A.J. Hughes Hallett).

Turner, D.S., Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1987). Evaluating special employment measures with macroeconometric models. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 3, 25-36.

Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1987). Long-run properties of large-scale macroeconometric models. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 6/7, 207-224.

Whitley, J.D. (1987). Manufacturing and services in UK macro-models. In T. Barker and P. Dunne (eds), The British Economy after Oil, pp.39-62. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Andrews, M.J. (1986). A disaggregated disequilibrium model of the labour market. Oxford Economic Papers, 38, 386-402 (with S.J. Nickell)

Andrews, M.J. (1986) Empirical models of the UK aggregate labour market: a partial survey. Economic Perspectives, 175-223.

Fisher, P.G. (1986). On evaluating the importance of nonlinearity in large macroeconometric models. International Economic Review, 27, 625-646 (with M.H. Salmon).

Fisher, P.G. (1986). Efficient solution techniques for dynamic non-linear rational expectations models. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 10, 139-145 (with S. Holly and A.J. Hughes Hallett).

Wallis, K.F. (1986). Forecasting with an econometric model: the `ragged edge' problem. Journal of Forecasting, 5, 1-3.

Whitley, J.D.(1986). Information Technology and Employment. Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick (with R.A. Wilson).

Whitley, J.D. (1986). A model of incomes policy in the UK, 1963-79. Manchester School, 54, 31-64.


Andrews, M.J., Bell, D.N.F., Fisher, P.G., Wallis, K.F. and Whitley, J.D. (1985). Models of the UK economy and the real wage-employment debate. National Institute Economic Review No.112, 41-52.

Whitley, J.D. (1985). Hours of Work. Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick (with R.A. Wilson, D.L. Bosworth, A.J. Neale and A.J. Westaway).


Bell, D.N.F. (1984), Trends in the Scottish economy. In N. Hood and S. Young (eds), Industry and the Scottish Economy, pp.1-25. Edinburgh University Press.