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Blogs and policy briefs

Generating New Evidence to Address Violence Against Women: Realizing Women’s Rights

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How women in politics impact maternal mortality

Sonia Bhalotra, Damian C. Clarke, Joseph Flavian Gomes, Atheendar Venkataramani (2023)

Ideas for India: Bhalotra et al. show that mortality during and after childbirth remains high, even where the knowledge and resources to avoid this are available, and demonstrate that raising the share of women in parliament can trigger action. Leveraging the introduction of gender quotas across developing countries, they identify reductions in maternal mortality, through increased skilled birth attendance and prenatal care utilisation, alongside a decline in fertility and an increase in schooling.

29 March 2023

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Domestic violence: the potential role of job loss and unemployment benefits

Sonia Bhalotra, Diogo Britto, Paolo Pinotti and Breno Sampaio (2021)

CAGE Policy Briefing. One in three women worldwide report having experienced domestic violence at some stage in their lives, and yet we do not have a clear understanding of the underlying causal mechanisms. Understanding causes is key to devising effective policy interventions. DP16350 Job Displacement, Unemployment Benefits and Domestic Violence.

October 2021

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A shadow pandemic of domestic violence: The potential role of job loss and unemployment benefits

Sonia Bhalotra for VOX EU

There has been a global surge in domestic violence since the onset of Covid-19. This column provides insights into what may be driving this rise, drawing on evidence from Brazil.

13 November 2020

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This website is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 885698).