Recent Publications
- Population Issues in Social Choice Theory, Welfare Economics and Ethics", (with W. Bossert and D. Donaldson) Econometric Society Monographs, 2005 (39).
- "Rationalizable variable-population choice function" (with W. Bossert and D. Donaldson), Economic Theory, 2002, 19, 355-378.
- "Utilitarianism and the theory of justice" (with W. Bossert and D. Donaldson), Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, K. Arrow, A. Sen, and K. Suzumura, eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 1, 2002, 543-596.
- "Population principles with number-dependent critical levels" (with W. Bossert and D. Donaldson), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2002, 4, 347-368.
- "Population ethics and the existence of value functions" (with W. Bossert and D. Donaldson), Journal of Public Economics, 2001, 82, 301-308.
- "Canadian unemployment insurance as a Pareto-Optimal policy instrument", Canadian Journal of Economics, 2001, 34, 849-858.