Publications and Working Papers
Must Debt be the Achilles Heel of development?
Argentine default and future global finance
Journal Articles | Book Chapters | Other Output | Discussion Papers
Journal Articles
Miller, Marcus and Dania Thomas 'Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Judge Griesa, the vultures and creditor rights', The World Economy, vol. 30(10), October 2007, pp.1491-1509
Corrado, Luisa, Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang 'Bulls, Bears and Excess Volatility: can currency intervension help?' International Journal Of Finance And Economics, vol. 12, issue 2, March 2007, pp. 261-272
Iliopulos, Eleni and Marcus Miller "UK external imbalances and the sterling: are they on a sustainable path?", Forthcoming in Open Economies Review, vol. 18(5), November 2007
Miller, Marcus, Olli Castrén and Lei Zhang ’Irrational exuberance’ and capital flows for the US New Economy: a simple global model, International Journal Of Finance And Economics, vol. 12, issue 1, January 2007, pp.89-105
Dhillon, Amrita, Javier Garcia-Fronti, Sayantan Ghosal and Marcus Miller (2006) "Debt Restructuring and Economic Recovery: Analysing the Argentine Swap”. The World Economy 29 (4) pp. 377-398
Book Chapters
Miller, Marcus and Kannika Thampanishvong “Learning to Trust Lula: Contagion and Political Risk in Brazil”. In F. Giavazzi, I. Goldfajn and S. Herrera (eds) Inflation Targeting, Debt, and the Brazilian Experience, 1999 to 2003 MIT Press. 2005
Other Published Output
Discussion Papers
Miller, Marcus and Jennifer C Smith 'Punishment Without Crime? Prison as a Worker-Discipline Device', CEPR Discussion Paper No. 6621, 2007
Miller, Marcus and Lei Zhang "When credibility fails: anticipated devaluation and recession", mimeo, University of Warwick, 2007
Miller, Marcus and Lei Zhang 'Capital Flows, Interest Rates and Precautionary Behaviour: a model of Global Imbalances,' MMF Research Paper No. 152, 2007
Corrado, Luisa, Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang 'Monitoring Bands and Monitoring Rules: how currency intervention can change market composition', Research Paper Series No. 91, Tor Vergata University, CEIS, 2007
Miller, Marcus and Lei Zhang Fear and Market Failure: Global Imbalances and 'Self-insurance' CEPR Discussion Paper No. 6000, December 2006, also CSGR Working Paper 216/07.
Miller, Marcus, Lei Zhang and Javier Garcia-Fronti ‘Supply Shocks and Currency Crises: The Policy Dilemma Reconsidered,’ CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5905, October 2006, also CSGR Working Paper 213/06.
Miller, Marcus and Dania Thomas ‘Sovereign Debt Restructuring: the Judge, the Vultures and Creditor Rights,’ CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5710, June 2006, also CSGR Working Paper 202/06.
Ghosal, Sayantan and Marcus Miller 'Crises in Global Financial Markets: career-concerned traders and insured elites?' Preliminary Draft (May 2006)
Miller, Marcus, Lei Zhang, Javier Garcia-Fronti ‘Contradictory Devaluation and Credit Crunch: Analysing Argentina’ January 2006, CSGR Working Paper 190/06.
Ghosal, Sayantan and Marcus Miller “Delay in Debt Swaps: Growth and Sustainability”, April, Mimeo, University of Warwick, 2006.
Miller, Marcus, Amrita Dhillon, Javier Garcia-Fronti and Sayantan Ghosal, J. 'Bargaining and Sustainability: The Argentine Debt Swap of 2005', CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5236, September 2005.
Miller, Marcus and Javier Garcia-Fronti “Case study: Restructuring Argentine debt: a renegotiation game?” CSGR Discussion Paper, February 2005.
Miller, Marcus, Lei Zhang 'World Finance and the US 'New Economy' Risk Sharing and Risk Exposure' CEPR Discussion Paper No. 4855, January 2005.
Miller, Marcus, Lei Zhang and Javier Garcia-Fronti 'Credit Crunch and Keynesian Contraction: Argentina in Crisis' CEPR Discussions Papers, No. 4889, January 2005.
Castrén, Olli, Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang 'Capital Flows and the US 'New Economy' - Consumption Smoothing and Risk Exposure', Working Paper Series 459, European Central Bank, 2005.
Dhillon, Amrita, Javier García-Fronti, Sayantan Ghosal and Marcus Miller “Bargaining and Sustainability: The Argentine Debt Swap of 2005”, CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 5236, September 2005.
Miller, Marcus, Javier García-Fronti and Lei Zhang “Credit Crunch and Keynesian Contraction: Argentina in Crisis”, CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 4889, January 2005, also CSGR Working Paper 190/06.