Marcus Miller's Research Rankings
a. The Coupé Rankings. In 2003, the European Economics Association produced a comprehensive world ranking of individual economists, based on research publications over the ten-year period 1990-2000 (Tom Coupé, 2003, “Revealed Performances: Worldwide Rankings of Economists and Economics Departments, 1990-2000”, Journal of the European Economic Association 1:1309-45). According to the number of publications over the period 1990-2000, Marcus Miller was ranked in the top 1000. (
b. The Repec Rankings. While this website is less comprehensive and participation is voluntary, it is a useful source of information and downloads and updates world rankings on a monthly basis. As of August 2012 Marcus Miller is ranked in the top 5% of economists on the Repec “Average Rank Score”. (
c. Social Science Citation Index. On the Social Science Citation Index Marcus Miller's articles had a cumulated score of 490 citations as of May 2014.
d. The Rankings. This website reports a worldwide ranking of economics departments, based on publications in 63 journals over the ten years: 1993-2003. While Warwick ranks 15th in the world in macroeconomics, in the sub-discipline of international finance (Marcus Miller’s main research area) the department was ranked 3rd in the world (after Berkeley and Harvard) over this period. (