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Careers information and the energy and utilities industries: an introduction

Welcome to the first section of Getting going with careers information. We hope that by the time you complete this module you will be able to describe, analyse and evaluate careers information relating to the energy and utilities industries.

This section gives you a chance to consider your own levels of knowledge and understanding as well as consider definitions and explanations, including some current research, on the use of careers information and enhance your understanding of the energy and utilities industries.

evaluation icon We'll start by offering you the opportunity to self evaluate, reflect on what you already know about careers information and the energy and utilities industries in our quick quiz. Once completed find suggested answers by pressing the feedback button.

Activity icon Watch this slide cast which introduces some of the key themes and ideas associated with the quality and delivery of careers information, as well as some pertinent research. Move cursor over presentation to show start, pause, forward and reverse buttons. Download the presentation for your own use and to access hyperlinks.


Activity icon Watch this slide cast which defines and informs about the range of activity and possible career options in the energy and utilities industries. Move cursor over presentation to show start, pause, forward and reverse buttons. Download the presentation for your own use and to access hyperlinks.


assessment iconNote down any thoughts that you would like to take forward.

further information iconFurther information

The research referred to in the Careers Information presentation can be accessed here:

The information in the presentation about the energy and utilities industries was sourced from the EU Skills website.

eu_skills_logo The Energy & Utility Skills Group consists of the licensed Energy & Utility Skills Sector Skills Council (SSC) for the gas, power, waste management and water industries. It is led by Employer Boards and delivers products and services to its member organisations.
skills_academy_high_res_jpeg.jpg The National Skills Academy for Power (the Skills Academy) is also part of the Energy & Utility Skills Group. It sits at the heart of the Power Sector, driving excellence in skills and bringing together employers, skills organisations and stakeholders.


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