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School Tasking 2021-22

What a brilliant first year we had running School Tasking with 250 Year 5 pupils across Coventry and Warwickshire!

During the in school-sessions, the pupils had a go at ‘drawing the law’, creating a Bill of Rights for a new island society, and making legal arguments on camera to convince our School Tasking Taskmasters that their clients were innocent!

At the Final, they solved puzzles to crack the code on the safe and ‘Release Alex’, they made wonderful stop-motion animations with Lego, and they made sure that their caterpillar cakes were definitely very different to the original Colin the Caterpillar cake!

In these videos, you can see Alex Horne setting the finalists some of their tasks:

Task 2:

Task 3:

Task 4:

Here’s what Alex himself had to say about School Tasking:

The work that Ali has been doing with Taskmaster and children has been remarkable. It was never meant to be watched by kids, let alone played, but now there's no stopping them!

I've hosted task sessions in schools myself and it's both fun and exhausting. So I'm pleased and relieved that Ali and her co-conspirators are taking on the challenge with so much energy and enthusiasm.

Thanks to them, with a bit of luck and a lot of work, our nonsense show might just inspire some young people to have fun, work as a team, and be very, very silly.

And here’s some feedback from a couple of the teachers in our 2022 School Tasking cohort:

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the School Tasking event on Tuesday, the kids had such an amazing time - I’m pretty sure it will have been one of their best days at primary school. The tasks, organisation, food, location, prizes etc were all fantastic!!”

“Thank you for the opportunity to undertake this project in 2022. Our children gained so much throughout - both socially and academically. The sessions were positively received by children of varying needs and backgrounds and we would really appreciate the opportunity to take part again

Our School Tasking Champions for 2022 were the Longford Lions from Longford Park Primary School in north Coventry.
They each got to take home a Taskmaster Board Game and, perhaps more importantly, now have custody of Little Little Alex Horne! Congratulations Longford Lions!