There are lots of exciting events happening within the Law School. Plus there are many other University and external events which may be of interest. We have therefore collated them all into one central calendar to help you choose which you would like to attend.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

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Law School Research Seminar - Romit Bhandari, Coventry University

Starting with lunch at 12:30pm in Room S2.09 followed by Seminar at 1:00pm in Room S2.12

Talk Title: 'The Interpretation of Dreams: A Reconsideration of the Law of Refugee Status'

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Staffing Development Group
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WLS EDI Team Presents: Black Women in Red Games Night!

The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion team will be hosting a games night which will include a pub quiz, various games, competitions and music. The theme is to wear a piece of red clothing or a red accessory! During the event, you will be given the opportunity to anonymously submit any ED&I concerns and suggestions on post-it notes. This games night is a chance for students to chill and meet new people whilst also building support groups with others who can relate with their concerns and experiences as university students. It is also a great chance to learn more about the ED&I team, what we do and the positions available. The ED&I team aim to collaborate with a wide range of black led societies to make a change to the ‘Black Student’ experience at Warwick. Though this event is aimed at black women, feel free to come along and invite a friend too!

To register your place, please email Rebecca Limb ( with the subject heading 'Black Women in Red') by 12 noon on October 5th.

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Lincoln's Inn: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Forum
Hybrid (The Ashworth Centre and Online)

Social Mobility: Where to start, and where to find answers. This event is open to anyone interested in building awareness on what we mean by socio-economic status and how we achieve social mobility, in particular lawyers who are involved in management, recruitment, EDI and career progression across the legal sector. Those who book to attend remotely will be sent the Zoom link on the day of the event.


Organising an event that you would like to share with the Warwick Law School community?
Complete our event submission form