There are lots of exciting events happening within the Law School. Plus there are many other University and external events which may be of interest. We have therefore collated them all into one central calendar to help you choose which you would like to attend.

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Wed 12 Feb, '25
CCLS Reading Group

This term we’ll be reading Gillian Rose, who was a Professor at Warwick up until her death in 1995. We will focus on her work on law, modernity, and Marxism.

Reading: Chapter 1 ‘Athens and Jerusalem’ from Mourning Becomes the Law by Gillian Rose

Everyone with an interest is welcome.

Please email or join the CCLS teams channel for the link to the meeting.

Wed 19 Feb, '25
Aesthetics and Justice seminar series: Aesthetic Encounters in Court
S2.09 and Microsoft Teams
Tue 25 Feb, '25
Seminar Series: Gender and International Criminal Law: History, Victimhood and Transitional Justice

This session tackles the promises and pitfalls of the international criminal and transitional justice system in cases of war crimes and/or crimes against humanity from a gender and critical perspective.

Part of the Thinking Gender, History and International Law seminar series.

Find out more and register.

Wed 26 Feb, '25
CCLS Reading Group

This term we’ll be reading Gillian Rose, who was a Professor at Warwick up until her death in 1995. We will focus on her work on law, modernity, and Marxism.

Reading: Chapter 7 ‘With What Must Science End?’ from Hegel contra Sociology

Everyone with an interest is welcome.

Please email or join the CCLS teams channel for the link to the meeting.

Thu 6 Mar, '25
Writing Workshops for ECRs

Monthly writing workshop for PhDs, Postdocs, and Early Career Researchers. These sessions offer a unique opportunity to present and receive feedback on your work in an innovative format. The platform is not limited to but focuses on work that uses critical approaches to questions of race, class, gender and other intersections. Staff and CCLS members are all warmly invited to participate in the writing workshops and support early career researchers with their insights and feedback.

Wed 12 Mar, '25
Aesthetics and Justice seminar series: Aesthetic Imaginaries of Law and Justice
Microsoft Teams
Wed 12 Mar, '25
CCLS Reading Group

This term we’ll be reading Gillian Rose, who was a Professor at Warwick up until her death in 1995. We will focus on her work on law, modernity, and Marxism.

Reading: Chapter 3, 5 & 6 from Love’s Work

Everyone with an interest is welcome.

Please email or join the CCLS teams channel for the link to the meeting.

Mon 17 Mar, '25
Seminar Series: International Law and the Colour Line: Is Palestine a Feminist Issue?

This session takes its cue from the understanding that the dismantlement the Zionist settler colonial project in Palestine is, among other things, a project against gender and sexual violence and oppression.

Part of the Thinking Gender, History and International Law seminar series.
Find out more and register.


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Complete our event submission form