There are lots of exciting events happening within the Law School. Plus there are many other University and external events which may be of interest. We have therefore collated them all into one central calendar to help you choose which you would like to attend.

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Wed 19 Feb, '25
Aesthetics and Justice seminar series: Aesthetic Encounters in Court
S2.09 and Microsoft Teams
Wed 19 Feb, '25
GLOBE Event - Book Launch: “Consideration in Contract Law”

Join us for the book launch of "Consideration in Contract Law"Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window by Dr Mark Giancaspro. Dr Giancaspro explores the origins, functions, and impact of the doctrine of consideration, analysing its deep-rooted principles, and ongoing controversies across legal systems. Dr Giancaspro traces its evolution from Roman law to modern contract principles, examining key cases (Stilk v Myrick, Williams v Roffey Bros) and whether courts might come to recognise unconventional forms, such as love, lucky charms, or cryptocurrency.

The event will be followed by a drinks reception.

Tue 4 Mar, '25
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP - LLM Recruitment Event

Are you currently pursuing a LL.M. degree and thinking of a career in competition law in France? The Paris competition team of Cleary Gottlieb invites you to a virtual event designed to introduce you to the firm, our attorneys, and the work we do. This session, designed for French-speaking students currently pursuing a LL.M. degree in the U.S. and the U.K. with an interest in competition law, offers an excellent opportunity to explore a variety of topics, including our practice areas, team dynamics, and career paths at Cleary Gottlieb.


Thu 22 May, '25
LLM Dissertation Workshop
Oculus and FAB

LLM students will have the opportunity to present their research questions to a thematic panel of academics and their peers to gain feedback. LLM supervisors are invited to join us on that day.

The full programme will be shared nearer the time.


Organising an event that you would like to share with the Warwick Law School community?
Complete our event submission form