Warwick Law School News
Warwick Law School News
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Law School Students Produce Video to Promote Refugee Rights
Colombe Cahen-Salvador, Joshua Redman, Sara Bedir and Yasmin Hughes Pugh, all Warwick University Law School students, have formed Refugee Rights, a project which aims to raise awareness around Human Rights.
In light of the current Government proposals to repeal the Human Rights Act, we hope to make a contribution to the debate, highlighting the importance of having a working Human Rights framework to support the Refugees who are often marginalized in the media. Refugees are a particularly vulnerable community, especially concerning their limited knowledge of legal protections available to them. We intend to investigate and document potential Human Rights abuses that refugees face, and using our findings, to raise awareness with the aim of remedying those issues.
As part of their campaign, the students have produced a video documenting the experiences of real refugees through the eyes of actors, and showing the importance of the Human Rights Act for the most vulnerable.
A large part of the campaign is to promote the petition to save the Human Rights Act, which is currently under threat of being repealed.