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Ania Zbyszewska publishes Gendering European Working Time Regimes: The Working Time Directive and the Case of Poland

The standard approach to regulating working hours rests on gendered assumptions about how paid and unpaid work ought to be divided. In this book, Dr Zbyszewska takes a feminist, socio-legal approach to evaluate whether the contemporary European working time regimes can support a more equal sharing of this work. Focusing on the legal and political developments surrounding the EU's Working Time Directive and the reforms of Poland's Labour Code, she reveals that both regimes retain this traditional gender bias, and suggests the reasons for its persistence. The book combines legal analysis with social and political science concepts to highlight law's constitutive role and relational dimensions, and to reflect on the relationship between discursive politics and legal action. To find out more about the book please click here.



Mon 05 Sept 2016, 09:55 | Tags: Book2016, Research