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Ana Aliverti awarded Criminology Book Award 2014

Congratulations to Ana Aliverti, who has been co-awarded the British Society of Criminology's Criminology Book Prize 2014 for her book "Crimes of Mobility: Criminal Law and the Regulation of Immigration" (Routledge).

Ana’s book examines the role of criminal law in the enforcement of immigration controls over the last two decades in Britain. The criminalization of immigration status has historically served functions of exclusion and control against those who defy the state’s powers over its territory and population. In the last two decades, the powers to exclude and punish have been enhanced by the expansion of the catalogue of immigration offences and their more systematic enforcement.


The Criminology Book Prize was established in 2001 and continues to reflect the desire of the British Society of Criminology and Routledge, to encourage and recognise the achievements of new or aspiring members of the criminology profession.


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Thu 29 May 2014, 16:04 | Tags: Criminal Justice Centre, Research