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New publication 'Bank Resolution: The European Regime' Edited by Jens-Hinrich Binder and Dalvinder Singh

Analysis of the impact of the EU Directive on the Recovery and Resolution of Banks and Securities Firms on the legal framework for insolvency management in Europe, offers a pan-European approach, drawing together perspectives from many jurisdictions. Includes discussion of impediments to orderly resolution of financial institutions using specific examples from the global experience since 2008, and how the BRRD addresses these.Provides practical guidance on navigating through the complex problems and challenges raised by cross-border resolution and derivatives.

To find out more please click here.

Sharifia Sekalala blogs about 'NHS ruling addresses inequality in access to medicines'

Sharifah Sekalala blog discussing the 'NHS ruling addresses inequality in access to medicines' has featured in the Health and Human Rights Journal, to read the blog please click here.

Mon 08 Aug 2016, 10:21 | Tags: Development and Human Rights Cluster, blog, Research

Warwick School of Law awarded Jean Monnet Module funding

The Warwick School of Law has been awarded prestigious Jean Monnet Module funding from the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency to run a series of modules on the theme of European Intellectual Property Law and Policy. These two modules, "European Union Intellectual Property Law & Policy”, and "Developing Intellectual Property Law & Policy in the EU and Beyond” place the UK’s intellectual property laws in their European context, combining legal doctrinal analysis with political science and international relations perspectives on EU integration and negotiation of external commercial policies. As the UK’s relationship with the EU enters a period of change, an understanding of the EU’s policies in this field, as well as the process of EU trade negotiations is of utmost importance to lawyers, policy-makers and industries that may be affected by changes in copyright, patent and trademark law. These modules will be run by Ben Farrand, with additional guest lectures by leading experts in the field of EU intellectual property law.
Jean Monnet Activities are designed to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. The activities also foster the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers, in particular with the aim of enhancing governance of EU policies. For more information, please see: -
Fri 29 Jul 2016, 12:50 | Tags: Contract Business and Commercial Law Cluster, Research

NEW Lacuna edition on Migration in Europe

Lacuna publishes a thought-provoking selection of migrant experiences across Europe, with exclusive features from Greece, Germany and the UK.

  • The European Commission published yet another version of its Common European Asylum System, detailing ‘fair and efficient’ procedure to ensure the rights of asylum seekers are protected in every EU country they set foot in.
  • In an exclusive report Dario Sabaghi shares stories from the borders of northern Greece where tens of thousands refugees waited for Macedonia to open its borders, so they could travel to northern Europe.
  • What happens once refugees finally reach their desired destination? Kim Harrisberg reports from Germany, the only European country to say ‘refugees welcome’, where she finds shadows of the country’s past influencing policy towards the new arrivals.
  • Here in the UK, Rebecca Omonira reports on a specific aspect of migration policy and how it affects foreign national women fleeing domestic violence.

Feel free to share across your networks - you might also like to sign up to our Newsletter, and find us on Twitter and Facebook. Lacuna magazine ( published by the Centre for Human Rights in Practice

Mon 18 Jul 2016, 12:53 | Tags: Centre for Human Rights in Practice, Research

UN Commission on International Trade Law Adopts the Model Law on Secured Transactions

On 1 July 2016 the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted a Model Law on Secured Transactions elaborated by its Working Group VI. The Model Law is a soft-law instrument designed to assist national law-makers of any legal system to modernise and harmonise domestic secured transactions laws, with the aim of fostering access to credit at a lower cost and stimulate international investments. The Model Law is the latest project of the UNCITRAL Working Group VI, which is composed of national delegations representing all States members of the Commission as well as observers from international and non-governmental organisations. The Model Law will be translated into all the official languages of the UN. After adopting the Model Law, the Working Group VI is expected to draft a 'Guide of Enactment' to further assist implementing States. More information on the Model Law may be found here.

Giuliano Castellano has been part of the UNCITRAL Working Group VI as a Legal Expert and Delegate for Italy since 2011.

Mon 18 Jul 2016, 12:48 | Tags: International and European Law Cluster, Impact, Research

Giuliano Castellano Oxford Business Law Blog: 'The New Italian Law for Non-possessory Pledge: Villain or Hero?'

Giuliano Castellano published in the Oxford Business Law Blog. The blogpost has been written as part of his Impact Project on Secured Transactions Law Reforms and assesses a new norm introduced in Italy through the prism of international legal standards. To read the post click here.

Congratulations to Alison Struthers on her Warwick ESRC IAA award

Alison Struthers has been awarded £9,217.76 by Warwick ESRC IAA to aid her in developing educational resources that will show how the requirement to teach fundamental British values in primary schools can be linked to broader human rights frameworks. Well done Alison.

For more information about Warwick ESRC IAA funding please click here.

Congratulations to Ming-Sung Kuo who has secured an award from the Chaing Ching-kuo Foundation

Ming-Sung Kuo has secured EUR40,000 from the Chaing Ching-kuo Foundation towards research on

'Unmoored from International Legality: Rights Internationalism and Taiwan's Embrace of International Human Rights Law'


Thu 30 Jun 2016, 13:09 | Tags: Research

Congratulations to Alison Struthers on her ESRC Award

Alison Struthers has secured £500 from the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2016 to hold a event
'Addressing challenging social science issues with young people'

Thu 30 Jun 2016, 13:07 | Tags: Empirical Cluster, Research

Dr Ania Zbyszewska is a guest speaker at the Gender Rules! Research Methods in Law seminar at the Cardiff Law School.

Monday, 20 June 2016, Dr Ania Zbyszewska was featured as a speaker at the Gender Rules! Research Methods in Law seminar at the Cardiff Law School. Dr Zbyszewska spoke about discourse analysis and regulatory design, drawing on her forthcoming book Gendering European Working Time Regimes (CUP, 2016). The seminar is sponsored by the Cardiff Centre of Law and Society and Cardiff Law School's Law and Gender research group. For more information, click here.

Dr Lorenzo, Cotula, Visiting Research Fellow at GLOBE publishes a report on Land Investments, Accountability and the Law: Lessons from West Africa

The recent wave of land deals for agribusiness investments has highlighted the widespread demand for greater accountability in the governance of land and investment. Legal frameworks influence opportunities for accountability, and recourse to law has featured prominently in grassroots responses to the land deals. Drawing on comparative socio-legal research in Cameroon, Ghana and Senegal, the report explores how the law enables, or constrains, accountability in investment processes. The report develops a conceptual framework for understanding accountability; assesses how national law in the three countries influences opportunities for accountability; and provides pointers for research and action.

The report is available (free) from the International Institute for Environment and Development, click here.

Wed 15 Jun 2016, 15:18 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Publication, Research

Dr Alison Struthers to present at the Canada International Conference on Education

CHRP fellow Alison Struthers is travelling to Canada to attend and present at the Canada International Conference on Education, being held at the University of Toronto Mississauga between the 27th and 30th of June 2016.

She is co-presenting a paper with Chrystal Lynch of the University of Manitoba entitled ‘A Comparative Exploration of Human Rights Education in Primary Schools and Higher Education Institutes’. This comparative paper draws upon the authors’ respective research fields in England and Canada and they plan to write a journal article together following the conference.

Alison is also chairing a panel on ‘Global Issues in Education and Research’.

For more information, please go to

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