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Research Seminar - Dr Lilian Moncrieff, University of Glasgow

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Location: Room S2.12 Law School, Social Sciences Building

Title: ‘Making time for the Corporation’

Abstract: This paper discusses what it means to address time as a normative dimension to corporate governance and responsibility. Companies commonly encounter the weight of time as they operate individually and in global networks. Their activities entangle with the long reach of problems to do with global poverty and inequality, precarious work and joblessness, health and drugs crises, and the unequal burdens of climate change and environmental crisis. The future presses on companies too, as the demand for sustainable economic development and for 'responsiveness' to the challenges presented by the company's wider impacts. This paper uses temporal horizons of this kind to re-imagine corporate governance and to cast the problem of corporate responsibility in new light. It broaches inventive legal tools for reading the normative weight of the past and future in relation to corporate activities, and for understanding how different parts to corporate actions and networks add up and create hostile conditions for human and non-human-life.


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