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GLOBE - Secured Transactions Law Reforms: The Challenges of Creating an Efficient and Inclusive Legal Framework by Dr Marek Dubovec

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Location: Oculus Building Room OC0.05

Abstract TBC

Dr Marek Dubovec - Biography

Marek Dubovec earned a law degree from Slovakia in 2003, and a Master’s degree (LL.M.) in International Trade Law in 2004 and Doctor of Juridical Science degree (S.J.D.) in 2009 both from the James E. Rogers College of Law, University of Arizona. Since 2004, he has been working at NatLaw in Tucson, Arizona where he is now the Executive Director. Marek has been involved in a number of secured transactions reform projects in i) Africa, including in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tunisia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, ii) Asia, including Bangladesh, Pakistan, and The Philippines; ii) the Middle East, including the UAE; and iv) Latin America, including in Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, and Peru. Marek’s areas of interest and expertise include access to secured credit in general, agricultural and warehouse receipts financing, investment securities, prudential regulation, and the effect of distributed ledger technologies, such as blockchain on commercial law and practices. He teaches UCC Article 9 Secured Transactions and International Commercial Transactions at the James E. Rogers College of Law, the University of Arizona. He has written a number of books and articles on secured transactions laws and reforms, and related aspects such as investment securities, warehouse receipts and prudential regulation.

Chair: Professor Hugh Beale

The event will be followed by a drinks reception.

This event is funded by the ESRC.

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