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David Vitale

Image of D Vitale

Associate Professor

Research Ethics

Constitutional Law (Domestic and Comparative); Administrative Law; Social and Economic Rights; Populism; Public Trust in Government

School of Law
S1.27, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

024 765 73844

David's research interests are in the areas of constitutional law, administrative law and human rights. He is especially interested in the idea of public trust in government, including what it means, how it functions and how it can be used to advance public law. David's work has been published in top-ranked journals, including the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Legal Studies, Public Law, Global Constitutionalism and Queen's Law Journal.

In his latest monograph - Trust, Courts and Social RightsLink opens in a new window - published by Cambridge University Press in 2024 as part of the Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law series, David proposes an innovative legal framework for judicially enforcing social rights that is rooted in public trust in government.

David is also the UK Principal Investigator for a multi-institution, Trans-Atlantic Platform project titled "Open Constitutional Democracy: Reconciling Deliberation and Constitutional DemocracyLink opens in a new window", funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

David's research is highly interdisciplinary, drawing on, and importing into public law, ideas from psychology, sociology, philosophy and political theory. Additionally, his work is comparative/global in nature, incorporating illustrations (cases, legislation, constitutions) from various jurisdictions.