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Alternative Superheroes

Kate Evans, ink and coloured pencils on paper, 2012-2017

Who is typically depicted as heroic when it comes to facing violence and injustice? Whose stories are typically hidden and which stories are typically untold? How do you tell stories of justice and (structural) injustice through media outside of law and legal texts?

These comics provoke the viewer to think differently about who superheroes are, what a crisis is, and who the agents of justice are.

Kate Evans is a cartoonist, graphic novelist, artist, author, mother and activist. She was living in a tree on the route of the Newbury Bypass road protest, when she was commission by The Guardian newspaper to draw cartoons from the tree tops. The subject of her pen is wide-ranging – from feminist fairy stories, through birth and breastfeeding to refugee relief and revolutionary socialism. She does the regular strip “Thoughts from a Broad” for Ne Internationalist magazine. opens in a new window