- Commentary: How Technology is Impacting Health Data Governance in Africa: The Case of UgandaLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (Uganda, 17 July 2023)
- Brief: Health Data Regulation: Lessons from Covid-19 Surveillance in Kenya and UgandaLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (Kenya and Uganda, 01 June 2023)
- Seminar Report: Digital Health Data Management Among the YouthLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (Uganda, 30 March 2023)
Webinar Report: International Webinar Report Kenya Link opens in a new window(Kenya, 14 April 2021) Webinar Report: Health International Webinar on the Regulation of Data in Sub-Saharan AfricaLink opens in a new window (South Africa, 29 June 2021)