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James Harrison Produces Research Paper on The Practice of HRIAs

James Harrison has a strong background in developing methodologies for undertaking human rights imapact assessments. Having undertaken work for the Scottish Human Rights Commission, the Canadian Council for International Cooperation and other inernational organisations, James has now produced a paper reflecting on the lessons from exisitng human rights impact assessments and how this practice can be enhanced in future.

Access to the paper is available here.

Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:14 | Tags: impact assessment, james harrison

Human Rights Impact Assessment of the Canada-Columbia Free Trade Agreement

Throughout 2008-2009, Dr James Harrison conducted several workshops to inform Parliamentarians, NGOs and academics on the key issues in conducting an human rights impact assessment of the proposed Canada-Columbia FTA. He also gave evidence before the Standing Committee on International Trade.

For more information please on the Centre's work on Human Rights Impact Assessment please click here.

Fri 17 Sep 2010, 15:23 | Tags: impact assessment

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