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Parliamentary debate on CHRP Report

MPs in Westminster Hall yesterday conducted a detailed debate on the Centre's Report - Unravelling Equality - A Human Rights and Equality Impact Assessment of the Public Spending Cuts on Women in Coventry. It was described by Coventry's three members of Parliament as "excellent research", "a first class piece of work" which "will increasingly be seen as a landmark".

The Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Justine Greening, promised to respond to the issues raised by the research which she was unable to answer during the debate.

A transcript of the debate can be found on Hansard from Column 58WH.

A copy of the report, produced jointly with Coventry Women's Voices can be found by clicking here.

Wed 13 Jul 2011, 09:27 | Tags: impact assessment, james harrison

Centre Co-Director, James Harrison wins Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence

James Harrison has just been awarded the Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence (WATE). As a result, he has been awarded the Butterworth Award for Teaching Excellence prize of £5,000.

The panel considering nominations for this year’s awards, felt that the evidence presented showed James's teaching and support of learning to be of an exceptional standard.

Sat 21 May 2011, 13:04 | Tags: impact assessment, james harrison

Centre Responds to Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework

Dr James Harrison has formulated a response to Professor Ruggie on the Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the UN's 'Protect, Respect and Remedy' Framework.

The Centre's response can be accessed here.

Other responses can be accessed here.



Thu 03 Feb 2011, 14:50 | Tags: james harrison

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