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James Harrison Delivers Paper in Utrecht on Human Rights Impact Assessment

On 8 and 9 December 2010, Dr James Harrison gave talks at conferences in Utrecht and Amsterdam organised by Aim for Human Rights. He presented his research on methodologies for conducting human rights impact assessments of trade agreements. The eight essential elements of the HRIA process set out in the paper were then utilised as the basis for discussion among women's human rights activists to critique their own HRIA practice.  For more on the Centre's work on human rights impact assessments click here.

Mon 13 Dec 2010, 19:50 | Tags: james harrison

James Harrison Produces Research Paper on The Practice of HRIAs

James Harrison has a strong background in developing methodologies for undertaking human rights imapact assessments. Having undertaken work for the Scottish Human Rights Commission, the Canadian Council for International Cooperation and other inernational organisations, James has now produced a paper reflecting on the lessons from exisitng human rights impact assessments and how this practice can be enhanced in future.

Access to the paper is available here.

Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:14 | Tags: impact assessment, james harrison

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