Centre for Law, Regulation & Governance of the Global Economy (GLOBE)

The Centre brings together staff and postgraduate students working in areas of international economic law, business and commercial law, corporate governance and financial regulation. It provides a platform for coordinating, facilitating and publicising the research and policy-related activities of colleagues as well as hosting external scholars, policymakers and early career researchers in related fields at Warwick. The Centre also acts as a focal point for teaching and research on our specialised postgraduate taught and research degree programmes.
The Centre broadly embraces the Warwick Law School contextual and interdisciplinary approach to law, governance and regulation that situates questions of substantive law, policy and regulation within a broader social, economic and political environment.
Our research, policy and teaching interests include the following: international trade law, international investment law, comparative private law, international business transactions, international and comparative tax law and policy, global intellectual property rights, law of natural resources, climate change and environmental law, international law and sustainable development, international financial regulation, company law and corporate governance, global competition law and international arbitration.
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International Economic Law
Warwick Law School has a strong tradition of research, policy work and teaching in the area of International Economic Law. Our research spans a broad range of issues relating to the law and governance of the global economy - international trade law, international financial law, international investment law, intellectual property rights law, labour law, global competition law and international tax law and policy. We are engaged in a variety of theoretical and empirical research in these fields of law and this informs our teaching across the different undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, especially the specialist LLM programme on International Economic Law. We also engage in policy consultations with a range of different organisations, including international organisations and tribunals, government agencies, NGOs and charities.
Commercial & Corporate Governance
Warwick Law School researchers have been active in the fields of regulation and governance of corporate and commercial activity. Scholarship at Warwick in these areas have focused on regulatory and governance theory and their application across the commercial and corporate sector, including the regulation of banks and financial institutions, international corporate finance, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility, competition law and policy and international business transactions. Our work spans both local and national contexts and is strongly influenced by contemporary events. This research informs our teaching at the Law School, including on our LLM in International Economic Law and International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.
International Development Law
International law and development is one of the hallmarks of research and teaching at Warwick Law School. A key strand of our activities have been focused on the relationship between law and the global economy, including intersections between international economic law and sustainable development and issues of social justice and human rights arising from law and economic globalization. Our research have also focused on the impact of economic activities on the environment and natural resources and the role of law and non-legal regulatory measures in both contributing to or mitigating these dislocations. An important focus of work has also been on the dynamics between developed and developing countries in international law and the global economy. Staff research in these areas feed into our specialist LLM programme, International Development Law and Human Rights.
Financial Regulation
An important strand of the research, teaching and policy work at Warwick Law School has been centred on national and international financial regulation, including the law, governance and regulation of banks, other financial institutions and the financial sector as a whole. Our research in financial regulation, law and governance range from banking regulation, responses to financial and banking crises, financial sector insolvencies, sovereign debt restructuring, international public finance, Islamic finance, microfinance and procurement issues relating to the financial sector. Key aspects of our scholarship in these fields include examining comparative approaches to regulatory architectures of financial governance and supervision as well as exploring the social and economic impacts of financial regulation and governance (or failures thereof).