IEL Collective Writing and Publications Workshop Information
From Researcher to Author:
Converting Research into Publication
IEL Collective Writing and Publications Workshop
16 – 17 April 2024
Warwick Law School, University of Warwick
Participant Information
We look forward to welcoming participants to the first 'The IEL Collective Writing and Publications Workshop'. The workshop will be a combination of peer learning, directed and self-directed writing activities and sharing of experiences aimed at early careers researchers (ECRs) whose work falls within the IEL Collective’s remit.
Joining us at the workshop will be Rebecca O’Rourke, Executive Publisher, Social Science Journals, Cambridge University Press; Ben Booth, Commissioning Editor (Law), Edward Elgar; Is Andrews, writing and communications specialist; and established academics from The IEL Collective, including mentors from The IEL Collective Mentoring and Professional Development Scheme.
- The workshop will begin at 11:00, 16 April 2024. Arrivals and registration will start at 10:00 in S.0.19, Social Sciences building.
- The workshop will conclude at 15:30, Wednesday, 17 April 2024.
- Workshop Programme
This is an updated programme and information sheet. The workshop will be structured into plenaries and breakout sessions. The plenaries will include presentations by representatives from publishers, Cambridge University Press and Edward Elgar, and presentation by a writing and communication consultant. The breakout session will be when your papers and proposals will be discussed. There are two tracks and you will be split into the two tracks. Within the tracks, we have grouped participants into threes or pairs with a lead mentor. You should read the papers/proposals of the person you have been assigned to review and your mentor will review all the papers in the group. - Workshop Guidance for Peer Review
This document provides you with guidance on your presentation and peer review. Each author should present for five minutes and each peer reviewer should present for 10 minutes. Please keep to time. We expect all of you to read and engage with your assigned piece so that you all benefit from the process. Please remember to keep your feedback constructive, helpful and respectful. Be mindful that while our working language is English, many of us do not speak English as a first language. Some of us may also have disabilities or challenges that require accommodation.
- Workshop Papers for Allocation
This document provides you with the list of allocations for each track. Under each paper or proposed monograph title is the name of the Reviewer. If you are named here, this is the person you are reviewing for. Each group have been sent the documents for review by email. Please review them in advance of the workshop. Please note that all documents are circulated for the purposes of this workshop only. You must not share or circulate the documents beyond the group that it has been circulated in. You must not cite or use any part of the documents – papers, chapters or proposals – in any form without the consent of the author. -
You may find the following resources useful.
Workshop Presentations and Resources
- Publishing Legal Scholarship - Ben Booth
- From Researcher to Author - Celine Tan
- Writing for Impact - Is Andrews
- AABC Writing Template - Is Andrews
Participants have submitted the following documents for peer review:
Document 1
Track 1: Monographs
A proposal or draft proposal and table of contents.
Track 2: Journal Articles
An abstract and a table of contents.
Document 2
Track 1 & Track 2
A substantive piece of writing – a chapter or journal article or policy brief in progress – that you want to discuss with your peers as well as a 200 to 250-word summary of this work.
Practical Information
The workshop will take place at Warwick Law School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
Please see directions on how to get to the University here and campus maps here.
The registration and plenary sessions will take place in S.0.19, Social Sciences Building which is across the internal courtyard from Warwick Law School. Breakout sessions for the tracks will be in S.0.19 and S.0.04, S.2.12 and S.2.09 of the Warwick Law School. Lunch will be served at the Student Hub, Warwick Law School.
Delegate Information for Central Campus
Accommodation will be in single, en-suite accommodation (bed and breakfast) at a student residence, Arthur VickLink opens in a new window, on the main University of Warwick campus. Please see the delegate information document for details on where to check-in. Details have been emailed to you previously. If you are staying at the Scarman Conference Centre, details will also have been emailed to you separately.
The University of Warwick is located in Coventry, UK. The nearest train station is Coventry train station (do not go to Warwick). The nearest airport is Birmingham Airport. Please see hereLink opens in a new window for details on how to get to the University.
If you are driving, you will need to register your vehicle for parking. Please see the delegate information sheet sent to you for the code and how to register your vehicle for parking and where to park.
Travel Funding
For those who have requested travel funding, we have provided details of the travel bursaries and the amount we are able to cover in the email we sent to you. As we stated in the emails, the travel funding is a contribution towards your travel costs and cannot cover the full costs due to limited funding at our end.
Reimbursement up to the amount of funding committed (as per the email sent to you) will be provided through receipt of an expenses claims form. You will need to keep all receipts of travel and submit them along with the Expenses Form and Foreign Payments Form (for non-UK residents without a UK bank account) which we have previously sent to you.
We will cover the costs of lunch and refreshments on both days of the workshop and dinner on Tuesday, 16 April 2024. Breakfast is provided as part of the accommodation.
If you have not notified us of any dietary requirements, please let us know as soon as possible.
Access Requirements
Please let us know of any access requirements that you may have, such as mobility or visual or hearing needs that require accommodation.
We have sent you invitation letters for your visas where you have requested them. If you require an official invitation letter for other purposes, please let us know.
This workship is funded by:
Enhancing Research Cultures Fund (ERCF), University of Warwick
Legal Research Institute (LRI), Warwick Law School
Social and Legal Studies