Indicative Publications
Ali, S. S. (2010) ‘Cyberspace as Emerging Muslim Discursive Space? Online fatawa on women and gender relations and its impact on Muslim family law norms’ International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 24 (3), 338-360.
Chan, Winnie (2009) 'Women, Children, and Taxation ', Warwick SSRN Working Paper
Mouthaan, Solange (2010) ‘Genocide: the Gender Dimension’ in Rebecca Probert (ed) Optimistic Objectives Kenilworth: Takeaway Press.
Patel, Reena (2007) Women's Property Rights in India: Hindu Law, Labour and Culture in Action London: Ashgate Publishing
Probert, Rebecca (2007) ‘Equality in the family home?: Stack v Dowden’ Feminist Legal Studies 15, 341-53.
Stevens, Dallal (2010) ‘The Asylum-Seeking Family in Current Legal Discourse: A UK Perspective’ Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law Vol 32, (1), 5-22
Stewart, Ann (2011) Gender, Law and Justice in a Global Market Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming August).
Toner, Helen (2009) ‘Foreign National Prisoners, Deportations, and Gender’ in H. Stalford, S. Currie & S Velutti, (eds) Gender and Migration in 21st Century Europe London: Ashgate Publishing