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Lunchtime Seminar - Professor Susan Marks, LSE

The Centre for Critical Legal Studies will be holding its first online lunchtime seminar on Zoom on Thursday 21 May 2020, 12 pm - 2 pm, with Professor Susan Marks.

Susan Marks is a Professor of International Law at the London School of Economics. She previously taught and undertook fellowships at institutions including Kings College London, University of Cambridge and Columbia Law School.

Her research and teaching focus on public international law and human rights law. Editor of International Law on the Left: Re-examining Marxist Legacies and co-author of the International Human Rights Lexicon, Professor Susan Marks problematises and interrogates issues that arise in these domains and disciplines through the lens of radical tradition.

Join us as she will be presenting her book, A False Tree of Liberty (2019), a work of social criticism that captures her current interests in the interface of law, exploitation and dispossession. In the book, she traces back into English writings from the sixteenth and seventeenth-century on the changing material and social conditions of the time, to bring to the fore issues that unravel the history of the idea of human rights. Professor Susan Marks recalls the sentiment of Thomas Spence—nineteenth-century English radical, advocate of common land ownership and staunch resistor of the enclosure movement—to critically explore the connection between this history and that of capitalism.

After her presentation, there will be a refreshment break, followed with a Q&A session.

Find further information and log in details here.

Thu 21 May 2020, 11:34 | Tags: Lunchtime Seminars