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Law and Business Studies

Four Year Degree

This joint degree aims to give students a firm grounding in the disciplines of law and business studies and to develop a critical understanding of both the legal framework of business activity and the economic and commercial context in which law operates. Particular emphasis will be laid upon the many areas of overlapping interest between the two disciplines, for example, the structure of companies and other forms of business organisation, competition law and regulation of markets, consumer law, finance and financial markets, taxation, and international perspectives on law and business. The degree will involve some modules taught jointly by staff from the Business and Law Schools. A Fourth Year enables students to take a wider variety of options, including a foreign language. In order to obtain part exemption from the qualifying examinations of the solicitors, barristers or accountancy professions, students will be required to complete the four year version of the degree and to choose and pass the appropriate options.

Please note that for Law and Business Studies to be a qualifying law degree, students must study for all four years.

Year One (Three and Four Year Degrees)

Module 1: (Core) LA115 Modern English Legal System

Module 2: (Core) LA124 Tort Law

Module 3: (Core) IB115 Business Planning - Integrative Project

Module 4: (Core) IB117 Markets, Marketing and Strategy

Module 5 to 8: (Options) any four taken from: Management, Organisation and Society 1 and 2; Quantitative Analysis for Management 1 and 2; Introduction to Financial Accounting; Foundations of Financial Management; Economics for Business; Operations Management.

Year Two

Module 1: (Core): LA230 Law and the International Business Environment (joint Law/ WBS module)

Module 2: (Core): LA243 Contract Law

Module 3: (Core) LA240 Foundations of European Union Law

Modules 4 - 7: (Options) Modules chosen from a list of around 30 offered by the Business School and the Law School, including 36 CATS of Business School modules.

Year Three

Module 1: (Core) Critical Issues in Law and Management (joint Law/ WBS module)

Module 2: (Core) LA310 Law of Business Organisations

Modules 3-6: (Options) Modules offered by either School, including at least one Business School module.

Students who wish to follow the Qualifying Degree (QD) route to complete the academic stage of legal professional training must take the module LA103 Introduction to the Law of Property Relations in Year Three.

Year Four

In Year Four students may take modules in any combination from the Law School or the Business School.

Students who wish to follow the QD route must take the following modules in Year Four:

LA307 Law of Trusts

LA104 Criminal Law

LA201 General Principles of Constitutional and Administrative Law

NB Applicants are strongly advised to inform their Local Authorities or other grant or fee paying bodies that the course may be for four years. The final choice between the three and four year programmes can be made up to the end of Spring Term in Year Two.