Attendance Requirements

The success of any module depends on your advance preparation and active participation in classes. You should therefore regard these classes as appointments between you, the other members of your class, and the module teacher. We regard attendance at classes as essential and you should expect your module teachers to keep a record of your attendance.

As a postgraduate student, you are registered by the University to study throughout the academic year and are expected to:

  • Be in attendance for the whole of the period from 30 September 2024 until you submit your dissertation in September 2025
  • Continue with your studies during non-teaching periods (barring UK public holidays)

Attendance Monitoring

The department is required by the University to monitor your attendance and engagement with your course. This is done through the year via a system of monitoring points. These points will include statutory meetings with your tutors, attendance at seminars and submission of assessed work. This monitoring allows the department to identify early, any students who might be experiencing difficulties and offer the appropriate levels of support. Students may view the Monitoring Points applicable to their course through the Attendance tab on their Tabula profile.

Should you have any health problems or other difficulties that prevent you from fulfilling these requirements you must advise your personal tutor and module tutor as soon as possible. Please read more information on self-certification for absences. If your attendance record is poor, you may be assigned additional penalty work via University Regulation 13.1 to compensate for these absences.

International students should be particularly aware of the consequences of missing monitoring points: Student Administrative Services is obliged to report to the Home Office UK Visas and Immigration if any Tier 4 students have been found not to be engaging with and attending their degree course. This will normally lead to the curtailment of their visas.