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Wednesday, February 05, 2025

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Teaching Palestine
Social science building, room tbc

As the genocide against Palestinians continues, along with the accompanying scholasticide and epistemicide, it is more urgent than ever to educate ourselves and our students about Palestine. The realities of settler colonialism and systemic violence faced by Palestinians intersect with a wide range of academic fields, including international law, politics, sociology, linguistics, media studies, health, environmental studies, and more. This workshop will explore strategies for addressing fears and overcoming selfcensorship when teaching about Palestine. It will also highlight how Palestine can serve as a powerful lens for examining diverse topics and themes across disciplines. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, share resources—including key texts, visuals, and syllabi—and develop approaches for integrating Palestine as a case study into their teaching practices. Please note the date for your diary: 5th February 12.30-2pm with sandwich lunch. Social science building, room tbc. Registration will open soon.
