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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

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Research Development Surgery
PAIS Resource Room

For events, please ensure that you include when the event is taking place. Research Development Surgeries (2) to be held on Wednesday 20th November and Wednesday 27th November between the hours of 12.00 - 14.00 in the PAIS Resource Room. Please feel free to just drop in, there is no need to register.

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EASG-IRS cluster talk

Title: Theo Westphal on China's Evolving Normative power in Global Cyberspace Governance

Date: Wednesday, 27th November

Time: 14:15-15:30

Venue: OC1.01, The Oculus and on Microsoft Teams

Theo recently completed his PhD in Politics and International Relations at the University of Sheffield, where his research focused on China's role in promoting cyber norms and contesting 'Western' approaches to cyberspace governance. He holds BA and MA degrees in Economy and Politics of East Asia, Modern East Asian Studies, and Social Research from the Universities of Bochum, DuisburgEssen, and Sheffield. His broader academic interests include international relations, global governance, security studies, and Chinese foreign policy, with a particular focus on how these intersect with digital policy and global power dynamics. The talk provides an overview of China’s evolving role in global cyberspace governance, focusing on its efforts to challenge 'Western' norms and promote alternatives such as ‘cyberspace sovereignty’. The discussion will draw on China’s actions within key international organisations and frameworks, exploring how its relationships within these institutions shape its norm promotion activities. The talk will also reflect on broader challenges regarding research on China in the contemporary era.

For a Teams invite, please contact the

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PAIS Departmental Seminar series 2024-25

PAIS Departmental Seminar with the Centre for Studies of Democratization (CSD)

Wednesday 27 November, 5-6.30pm, S0.11

"American Democracy: Saved or Doomed? A roundtable on the 2024 US elections outcome".

Featuring Trevor McCrisken, Joe Haigh and Jessica Underwood from PAIS. Chaired by Michael Saward.

All staff and students are welcome
