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Friday, November 29, 2024

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Environmental Politics & IPE Clusters Joint Seminar: Arthur Lauer (University of Valladolid)
E2.02 (PAIS)

Date: Friday 29th November 2024

Time: 12.00-13.30

Room: E2.02 (PAIS)

E-mail if you would like to attend.

Speaker: Arthur Lauer

Title: ‘Global environmental scenarios and the reproduction of dominant socio-economic structures’

Abstract: I will present a comprehensive analysis of socio-economic, governance and cultural assumptions in Global Environmental Scenarios used in academia recently published in the journal Futures. The analysis intents to shed light on the degree to which scholars of global environmental change and sustainability transitions reproduce current dominant ideological and socio-economic structures. Given the results of the analysis, blind spots in the current literature will be highlighted and a set of alternative scenarios explicitly taking into account the importance of social structures and power systems will be outlined. Finally, I will reflect about the purpose of scenarios in scientific research and their relationships with broader social change.

Bio: Arthur Lauer is an ecological economist by training and studied in Dresden (International Relations), Barcelona (Sustainability Studies & Ecological Economics) and Valladolid (International Development Cooperation). Currently he is affiliated with the Applied Economics department at the university of Valladolid. His research focuses on the political economy of global environmental scenarios.

See details of Arthur’s research in a recent FT article:
