- (2023) M. Koinova, P. Blanchard and B. Margulies. "Mixed Methods in an Evolving Research Program on Diaspora Entrepreneurs and Their Mobilizations". International Migration Review (open accessLink opens in a new window)
- (2023) Angermuller J. and P. Blanchard. Careers of the Professoriate. Academic pathways of the linguists and sociologists in Germany, France and the UK. Palgrave Mcmillan.Link opens in a new window
- (2022) Wunsch N. and P. Blanchard. Patterns of Democratic Backsliding in Third-Wave Democracies: A Sequence Analysis Perspective. Democratization 30 (2)Link opens in a new window
- (2022) Zhang C, D. Zhang and P. Blanchard. “International broadcasting during times of conflict: a comparison of China’s and Russia's communication strategies”. Journalism PracticeLink opens in a new window
- (2021) Collas T. and P. Blanchard. “Sequence analysis. Being earnest with time”. In Key Concepts in Research Methods, edited by J.-F. Morin, C. Olsson and O. Atikcan. Oxford University PressLink opens in a new window
- (2019). Blanchard P. "Sequence Analysis". In Encyclopedia of Research Methods, edited by P. A. Atkinson, R. A. Williams and A. Cernat. London: SageLink opens in a new window
- (2019) Toh R., P Blanchard, J. P. Simpson, J. Falcon and C. Ying. Employment vulnerability of tertiary graduates in Singapore. Singapore: Institue of Advanced Learning
- (2017) Blanchard P., B. Rihoux and P. Álamos-Concha. "Comprehensively Mapping Political Science Methods: An Instructors' Survey"Link opens in a new window. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 20 (2)
- (2017) Blanchard P. “Qualitatif et quantitatif : la fin du malentendu ?” Pp. 315-328 in Science politique. edited by Christophe Roux and Eric Savarese. Bruxelles: BruylantLink opens in a new window
- (2016) Blanchard P. “Les vicissitudes de l’innovation méthodologique. ‘Validité, falsifiabilité, parcimonie, consistance, précision, etc.’ ” Pp. 151-171 in Andrew Abbott, sociologue de Chicago. Héritages, dépassements, ruptures. Edited by M. Jouvenet and D. Demazière. Paris: EHESS
- (2015) Blanchard P., F.-X.Dudouet and A. Vion. 2015. “Le cœur des affaires de la zone euro. Une analyse structurale et séquentielle des élites économiques transnationales”. Cultures et Conflits 98 (2): 71-99
- (2014) Blanchard P., F. Bühlmann and J.-A. Gauthier (eds.). Advances in Sequence Analysis: Methods, Theories and Applications. London: Springer
- (2014) Gauthier J.-A., F. Bühlmann and P. Blanchard. “Introduction: Sequence Analysis in 2014.” Pp. 1-17 in Advances in Sequence Analysis: Theory, Methods, Applications P. Blanchard, F. Bühlmann and J.-A. Gauthier (Eds.). London: Springer
- (2014) Political Science Research Methods in Action (Bruter M. and Lodge M. (eds.), Basingstoke, ECPR-Palgrave-McMillan, 2013). Review for the Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée 21 (3): 137-153