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Research interests

  • Green politics, including related ideology, sociology, public controversies, public policies, parties and elections, with a particular interest in nuclear energy, air pollution, and advertising.
  • Political communication, including agendas, story-telling, framing, media effects, and media sociology.
  • Political sociology, especially political careers, socialisation, elections, parties and trade unions.
  • Methods for the social and political sciences, especially multivariate statistics (esp. correspondence analysis, clustering, factorial analysis, regression modelling, visualisation), longitudinal methods (esp. sequence analysis), interviewing and field observation, survey design, text/content analysis, and all forms of creative multi-methodological designs.
  • Methodology, sociology and epistemology of the social and political sciences, in particular through the empirical analysis of scientific texts.

Current projects

  • Sequence analysis for the social and political sciences. History and epistemology of the development of SA in the social sciences. Applications (all in teams): academic careers in France, Germany and the UK; transnational interlocking directorates in Europe; gendered careers in Swiss trade unions; biographical consequences of activism among 1970s French feminists; employment vulnerability and labour mobility among tertiary graduates in Singapore; and, backsliding trajectories of East-European and post-Soviet countries.
  • Post-apocalyptic fiction (novels, movies, games). How post-apocalyptic narratives reveal visions of the past, present and future of modern societies; the role of nature and the environment in the lost world and in the new one; and how survivors of the apocalypse re-develop values and re-build political institutions.


Journals: American Sociological Review; British Journal of Political Science; Democratization; Ethnographiques; European Political Science Review; Federal Governance; International Journal of Social Research Methodology; Journal of Peace Research; Longitudinal and Life Course Studies; Mobilization; Political Science Research and Methods; Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée; Social Forces; Socio-Economic Review.

Other: European Research Council; Hong Kong Research Grants Council; Sage Research Methods book series; SESAME Ile-de-France; Springer edited book; Springer Major Reference Work Series; International Fellowships of the Warwick Institute for Advanced Studies

Supervisory interests

Prospective graduate students can contact me if they have projects combining green politics, political communication, media and politics, or political sociology (or, better, a combination of two or more of the above), with an innovative or challenging methodological design (such as articulating classical media and social media data, textual and non-textual data, multi-method designs, or analysing values and ideologies through fiction).

I have contributed to supervise six PhD research, about: the long-term biographical consequences of feminist activism in France; women's involvement in Swiss trade unions; the political attitudes and engagement of the Chinese middle class; online political communication and democracy in South Korea; resistance to Western media hegemony in Chinese and Russian international broadcasting; and, the impact of formal and informal environmental regulation on air pollution governance in China.