Personal Tutor
Reference Request Policy
At the University of Warwick, we believe that there is a positive obligation to respond to a request for a reference where reasonably requested from a student for employment and / or academic purposes. Accordingly, writing references is a key part of the role of the personal tutor. To optimize this, and ensure the completion of references on time, and that best reflect the duty of care we have to our students, this process needs to be carefully managed.
Managing the Process
Out of courtesy, and in your own interest, please notify me well in advance that you are requesting a reference. This should be no less than 21 working days from when I would be expected to receive contact from the reference addressee.
This notification should take the form of an email with 1) an attached CV, and 2) a reference request form for each position being sought. It is best practice to follow this up with a meeting in my advice and feedback hours. The notification period and the attached documents will allow me to write the most helpful reference possible. Within this context please engage with the request form with the utmost seriousness as this will equip me with the information I need to write a comprehensive and detailed reference. It is also your opportunity to truthfully expand, clarify and elucidate on your CV so that I can best represent you within the confines of legal liabilities.
Failure to notify me in good time and with the correct documentation risks seriously undermining the quality of the reference and could result in a missed deadline for the reference submission. It is important to note that whilst a personal tutor has a duty of care to their tutees for whom the reference is provided, a legal duty of care also exists towards the addressee who has sought the reference. As a result, and under no circumstances, do I provide references for personal tutees who have not attended their personal tutee meetings, and I do not provide a copy of the reference in advance of, or subsequent, to submission.
For Advice on Applications, Interviews and Careers please see the Student Careers Page