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  • Forthcoming: Hussein Kassim and Adriaan Schout (eds) National government narratives of the EU: ‘official stories’ of collective belonging, Springer
  • Hussein Kassim, John Peterson, Sara Connolly, Renaud Dehousse, Liesbet Hooghe and Andrew Thompson (2013) The European Commission of the TwentyFirst Century, Oxford University Press
  • Hussein Kassim and Handley Stevens (2010) The EU and Air Transport. Europeanization and its Limits, Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics, Palgrave
  • Hussein Kassim, Anand Menon, Guy Peters and Vincent Wright (eds) (2001) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: the European level, Oxford University Press
  • Hussein Kassim, B. Guy Peters and Vincent Wright (eds) (2000) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: the domestic level, Oxford University Press
  • David Hine and Hussein Kassim (eds) (1998) The European Union and National Social Policy, Routledge
  • Hussein Kassim and Anand Menon (eds) (1996) The European Union and National Industrial Policy, Routledge

Journal special issues

  • Hussein Kassim, Sabine Saurugger and Uwe Puetter (eds) (2020) ‘The puzzle of national preference formation and the study of the euro crisis’, special issue of Political Studies Review, 18(4),
  • Hussein Kassim and Bruce Lyons (eds) (2013) ‘EU State Aid Policy: Evolution and Impact’, special issue of Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 13:1
  • Charles Clarke and Hussein Kassim (2012) ‘The Too Difficult Box’, special issue of Political Quarterly, 83:2
  • Hussein Kassim and Patrick le Galès (2010) ‘Governing the European Union: Policy Instruments in a Multi-Level Polity’, West European Politics, 33:1
  • Hussein Kassim and Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos (eds) (2005) ‘Quel avenir pour l'Europe? Les préférences des États membres et de la Commission européenne’, special issue of Critique Internationale, December
  • Catherine Waddams and Hussein Kassim (eds) (2005) 'Beyond Principal-Agent: New Perspectives on UK Utility Regulation', special issue of Annals of Public and Co-operative Economics, 76:1
  • Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos and Hussein Kassim (eds) (2004, 2005) 'Preference Formation and EU Treaty Reform', special issue of Comparative European Politics, two parts, 2:3 and 3:2


  • Benny Geys, Sara Connolly, Hussein Kassim & Zuzana Murdoch (2023) ‘Staff reallocations and employee attitudes towards organizational aims: evidence using longitudinal data from the European Commission,’ Public Management Review,DOI: 1080/14719037.2023.2222139
  • Michael W. Bauer, Hussein Kassim & Sara Connolly (2023) 'The quiet transformation of the EU Commission cabinet system', Journal of European Public Policy, 30:2, 354-374, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2021.2003423
  • Hussein Kassim (2023) ‘The European Commission and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pluri-Institutional Approach’, Journal of European Public Policy,, special issue edited by Amy Verdun and Lucia Quaglia, ‘The COVID-19 Pandemic and the European Union’
  • Pierre Alayrac, Sara Connolly, Hussein Kassim, and Francesca Vantaggiato (2022) ‘Des bureaucraties poreuses ? Les interactions de la commission européenne et du secrétariat du conseil avec leur environnement, et leur influence sur leurs préférences en termes de gouvernance’ in ‘Les transformations du champ administratif européen (2015-2021) II. Acteurs et instruments’, Revue française d'administration publique 2022/1, N° 181, 41-64
  • Zuzana Murdoch, Sara Connolly, Hussein Kassim, and Ben Geys (2022) ‘Legitimacy Crises and the Temporal Dynamics of Bureaucratic Representation’, Governance,
  • Scott James, Hussein Kassim and Thomas Warren (2021) ‘From Big Bang to Brexit: The City of London and the Discursive Power of Finance’, Political Studies, 10.1177/003232172098571, open access
  • Ben Geys, Sara Connolly, Hussein Kassim, and Zuzana Murdoch (2020) ‘Follow the Leader? Leader Succession and Staff Attitudes in Public Sector Organizations’, Public Administration Review,
  • Francesca Vantaggiato, Hussein Kassim and Kathryn Wright (2020)‘Internal network structures as opportunity structures: control and effectiveness in the European competition network’, Journal of European Public Policy, DOI: 1080/13501763.2020.1737183
  • Francesca Vantaggiato, Hussein Kassim and Sara Connolly (2020) 'Breaking out of silos: explaining cross-departmental interactions in two European bureaucracies’, Journal of European Public Policy,
  • Hussein Kassim, Scott James, Shaun Hargreaves Heap and Thomas Warren (2020) ‘Preferences, Preference Formation and Position Taking in a Eurozone Out: Lessons from the United Kingdom’ in Hussein Kassim, Sabine Saurugger and Uwe Puetter (eds) special issue of Political Studies Review,
  • Hussein Kassim, Sabine Saurugger and Uwe Puetter (2019) ‘The Study of National Preference Formation in Times of the Euro Crisis and Beyond’, introduction to special issue of Political Studies Review,
  • Hussein Kassim and Brigid Laffan (2019)‘The Juncker Presidency: The “Political Commission” in Practice’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 57(S1): 49– 61.
  • Zuzana Murdoch, Hussein Kassim, Sara Connolly, and Ben Geys, (2018) ‘Do international institutions matter? Socialization and international bureaucrats’, European Journal of International Relations, 25 (3): 852-877,
  • Zuzana Murdoch, Sara Connolly and Hussein Kassim (2018) ‘Bureaucratic Representation and the “Democratic Deficit” of the European Commission’, Journal of European Public Policy, 25(3): 389-408,
  • Hussein Kassim (2016) ‘London calling: revisiting the national coordination of EU policy in the UK’, Revue Française de l’Administration Publique, 158(2), 431-446
  • Stefan Becker, Michael W. Bauer, Sara Connolly and Hussein Kassim (2016) ‘The Commission: Boxed In and Constrained, Still an Engine of Integration?’, West European Politics, 39:5, 1011-31,
  • Sara Connolly and Hussein Kassim (2016) ‘“Supranationalism” in question: beliefs, values and the socializing power of the European Commission revisited’, Public Administration, 94(3): 717– 737, doi:10.1111/padm.12250
  • Hussein Kassim, Sara Connolly, Renaud Dehousse, Olivier Rozenberg and Selma Benjaballah (2016) ‘Managing the house: The Presidency, agenda control and policy activism in the European Commission’, Journal of European Public Policy, DOI:10.1080/13501763.2016.1154590
  • Hussein Kassim (2016) ‘What’s new? A first appraisal of the Juncker Commission’ European Political Science, doi:10.1057/eps.2015.116/
  • Hussein Kassim (2014) L’administration européenne’ in Renaud Dehousse (ed) (2014) L’Union européenne Collection Les Notices 3ème edition, La Documentation Française
  • Hussein Kassim and Bruce Lyons (2013) ‘The New Political Economy of EU State Aid Policy’ in ‘The European Union and State Aid Policy: Evolution and Impact’, special issue of Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 13:1, 1-22
  • Hussein Kassim and Patrick le Galès (2010) 'Exploring Governance in a Multi-Level Polity: A Policy Instruments Approach' in (eds) Kassim and le Galès ‘Governing the European Union. Policy Instruments in a Multi-Level Polity’, special issue of West European Politics, 33:1, 1-21
  • Pinar Akman and Hussein Kassim (2010) 'Myths and myth-making in the institutionalization and interpretation of EU action. The case of EU competition policy', Journal of Common Market Studies, 48:1, 111-32
  • Hussein Kassim and Kathryn Wright (2009) ‘Bringing regulatory processes back in: revisiting the reform of EU antitrust and merger control’ in Deborah Mabbett and Wautraud Schelkle (eds) ‘Managing Regulatory Conflict’, West European Politics, 32:4, 738-755
  • Hussein Kassim (2008) ‘“Mission: Impossible”, but Mission Accomplished: the Kinnock reforms and the European Commission’, special issue of Journal of European Public Policy, edited by Michael Bauer, 15:5, 648-668
  • Hussein Kassim and Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos (2007) ‘The European Commission and the Future of Europe’, special issue of Journal of European Public Policy, 14:8, 1-22, edited by Derek Beach and Thomas Christiansen
  • Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos and Hussein Kassim (2005) 'Inside the European Commission: Preference Formation and the Convention on the Future of Europe' Comparative European Politics, 3:2, 180-203
  • Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos and Hussein Kassim (2005) ‘Quel avenir pour l’Europe ? Les préférences des États membres et de la Commission européenne, et leurs déterminants’ in Kassim and Dimitrakopoulos (eds) ‘Quel avenir pour l'Europe? Les préférences des États membres et de la Commission européenne’, special issue of Critique Internationale, December
  • Hussein Kassim (2005) ‘Le Royaume-Uni et le Traité constitutionnel européen’ in Kassim and Dimitrakopoulos (eds) ‘Quel avenir pour l'Europe? Les préférences des États membres et de la Commission européenne’, special issue of Critique Internationale, December
  • Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos and Hussein Kassim (2005) ‘La Commission européenne et le débat sur l’avenir de l’Europe’ in Kassim and Dimitrakopoulos (eds) ‘Quel avenir pour l'Europe? Les préférences des États membres et de la Commission européenne’, special issue of Critique Internationale, December
  • Hussein Kassim (2004) ‘The United Kingdom and the Future of Europe: Winning the Battle, Losing the War’, Comparative European Politics, 2:3, 261-281
  • Hussein Kassim (2004) ‘The Kinnock Reforms in Perspective: Why reforming the Commission is an Heroic, But Thankless Task’, Public Policy and Administration, 19:3, 25-41
  • Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos and Hussein Kassim (2004) ‘Deciding the Future of the European Union: Preference Formation and Treaty Reform’, Comparative European Politics, 2:3, 241-260
  • Hussein Kassim and Anand Menon (2003) ‘The Principal-Agent Approach and The Study of the European Union: Promise Unfulfilled?’ in Erik Jones and Amy Verdun (eds) ‘Political Economy and the Study of European Integration’, special issue of Journal of European Public Policy, 10:1, 121-139 (also published in Erik Jones and Amy Verdun (eds) (2005) The Political Economy of European Integration, Routledge, 39-53
  • Hussein Kassim and Anand Menon (2003) ‘Les Etats membres de l’UE et la Commission Prodi’, (with Anand Menon), Revue française de science politique 53:4, 491-501
  • Hussein Kassim (various 2000-03) ‘Internal Policy Developments’ in Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review
  • Hussein Kassim (1997) ‘The European Union and French Autonomy’ in special issue of Modern and Contemporary France, edited by Vincent Wright, 5:2, May, 167-180
  • Hussein Kassim (1994) 'Policy networks, networks and the European Union: a sceptical view', West European Politics, 17:4, October, 15-27,
  • Hussein Kassim and Vincent Wright (1991) 'The role of national administrations in the decision-making processes of the European Community', Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, 832-850


Book chapters

  • Sara Connolly & Hussein Kassim (2024). The Juncker commission: Internal perceptions of a Spitzenkandidaten presidency. In The Politicisation of the European Commission’s Presidency: Spitzenkandidaten and Beyond (pp. 215-249). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Hussein Kassim (2023) ‘The European Commission and the Brexit negotiations’ in John Erik Fossum and Chris Lord (eds) Handbook on the European Union and Brexit, Edward Elgar, pp. 192-215
  • Hussein Kassim (2023) 'The von der Leyen Commission: An Early Assessment’, In: Costa, O., Van Hecke, S. (eds) The EU Political System After the 2019 European Elections. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Hussein Kassim (2022) ‘The European Commission: From Collegiality to Presidential Leadership’ in Dermot Hodson, Sabine Saurugger and Uwe Puetter (eds) The Institutions of the European Union, Oxford, pp. 106-127
  • Sabine Saurugger, Thomas Warren, Hussein Kassim, Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap, and Scott James (2021) ‘Preference Formation during the Eurozone Crisis - A Cross-National Comparison’ in Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Fabio Wasserfallen, and Zdenek Kudrna (eds) The Politics of Eurozone Reforms, ECPR Press, pp. 33-55
  • Hussein Kassim and Luc Tholoniat (2021) ‘Crisis and Crisis Management in the European Union: The European Council and European Commission Revisited’ in Marianne Riddervold, Jarle Trondal and Akasemi Newsome (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Crises, Palgrave,
  • Hussein Kassim and Vanessa Buth (2020) ‘National institutions: impact and interaction’ in S. Bulmer and C. Lequesne (eds) The European Union and the Member States, Oxford University Press, pp. 301-334
  • Hussein Kassim (2020) ‘The European Commission’ in Finn Laursen (ed), Oxford Research Encyclopedia, Oxford University Press, DOI:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.181
  • Hussein Kassim and Sara Connolly (2018) ‘Still standing – The European Commission after a decade of turbulence’ in Jörn Ege, Michael W. Bauer, and Stefan Becker (eds) The European Commission in Turbulent Times: Assessing Organizational Change and Policy Impact, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 223-49
  • Hussein Kassim (2017) ‘Ch 41: The European Commission as an administration’ in Edoardo Ongaro and Sandra van Thiel (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe, Routledge, pp. 783-804
  • Hussein Kassim (2015) ‘Revisiting the 'management deficit': can the Commission (still not) manage Europe?’ in Edoardo Ongaro (ed) Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages, Emerald, pp. 41-62
  • Sara Connolly and Hussein Kassim (2015) ‘Ch 11 The permanent Commission bureaucrat’ in Michael W. Bauer and Jarle Trondal (eds) Palgrave Handbook of the European Administrative System, Palgrave: Basingstoke, pp. 161-87
  • Hussein Kassim (2014) ‘The national coordination of EU policy’ in José Magone (ed) Routledge Handbook of European Politics, London: Routledge, pp. 686-707
  • Hussein Kassim (2012) ‘The Presidency and Presidents of the European Commission’ in Erik Jones, Anand Menon and Stephen Weatherill (eds) The Oxford Handbook of the European Union, Oxford University Press, pp. 219-32
  • Hussein Kassim (2012) ‘The European Union and Member State Institutions: Impact and Interaction in a System of Shared Governance’ in Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne (eds) The European Union and the Member States, Oxford University Press, pp. 279-312
  • Hussein Kassim (2012) ‘The Commission’s services’ in John Peterson and Michael Shackleton (eds) The Institutions of the European Union, Oxford University Press (with Liesbet Hooghe), 173-98
  • Hussein Kassim (2010) ‘The Labour Party and “Europe”: An Awkward Relationship’ in Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos (ed) Social Democracy and European Integration, London: Routledge, pp. 83-116
  • Hussein Kassim (2008) ‘France and the European Union under the Chirac Presidency’ in Alistair Cole, Patrick le Galès and Jonah Levy (eds) Developments in French Politics 4, Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 258-76
  • Hussein Kassim (2008) ‘A Bid Too Far? New Labour and UK Leadership of the European Union’ in Jack Hayward (ed) Leaderless Europe, Oxford University Press, pp. 167-187
  • Hussein Kassim (2007) ‘The Institutions of the European Union’ in Colin Hay and Anand Menon (eds) European Politics, Oxford University Press, pp. 168-199
  • Hussein Kassim and Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos (2007) ‘Leader or bystander? The European Commission and EU Treaty Reform’ in Derek Beach and Colette Mazzucelli (eds) Leadership in EU constitutional negotiations, Palgrave, pp. 94-114
  • Hussein Kassim (2006) 'The Secretariat General of the European Commission' in David Spence with Geoffrey Edwards (eds) The European Commission, John Harper, 3rd edn, pp. 75-94
  • Hussein Kassim (2005) 'Member states institutions and the European Union: impact and interaction' in Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne (eds) The Member States and the EU, Oxford University Press, pp. 285-316
  • Hussein Kassim (2004) ‘The Secretariat General of the European Commission, 1958-2003: a singular institution’ in Andy Smith (eds) Politics and the European Commission, Routledge, pp. 47-66
  • Hussein Kassim (2004) ‘EU Member States and the Prodi Commission’ in Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos (ed) The Changing Commission, Manchester: Manchester University Press (with Anand Menon), pp. 89-104
  • Hussein Kassim (2004) ‘An historic achievement. Administrative reform under the Prodi Commission’ in Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos (ed) The Changing Commission, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 33-62
  • Hussein Kassim (2003) ‘The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: Must Europeanisation Mean Convergence?’ in Kevin Featherstone and Claudio Radaelli (eds) The Politics of Europeanisation: Theory and Analysis, Oxford University Press, pp. 83-111
  • Hussein Kassim (2003) ‘The European Administration: Between Europeanisation and Domestication’ in Jack Hayward and Anand Menon (eds) Governing Europe, Oxford University Press, pp. 139-161
  • Hussein Kassim (2002) ‘Race, genetics and human difference’ in Justine C. Burley and John Harris (eds) A Companion to Genethics: Philosophy and the Genetic Revolution, Blackwell
  • Hussein Kassim (2001) ‘The United Kingdom’ in Kassim, Menon, Peters and Wright (eds) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: the European level, Oxford University Press, pp. 47-74
  • Hussein Kassim (2001) ‘Introduction’ in Kassim, Menon, Peters and Wright (eds) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: the European level, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-46
  • Hussein Kassim and B. Guy Peters (2001) ‘Conclusion’ in Kassim, Menon, Peters and Wright (eds) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: the European level, Oxford University Press, pp. 297-342
  • (2000) ‘United Kingdom’ in Kassim, Peters and Wright (eds) (2000) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: the domestic level, Oxford University Press, pp. 22-53
  • Hussein Kassim, B. Guy Peters and Vincent Wright (2000) ‘Introduction’ in Kassim, Peters and Wright (eds) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: the domestic level, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-21
  • Hussein Kassim (2000) ‘Conclusion’ in Kassim, Peters and Wright (eds) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: the domestic level, Oxford University Press, pp. 235-264
  • David Hine and Hussein Kassim (1998) ‘Conclusion: the European Union, the member states and social policy’ in Hine and Kassim (eds) (1998) The European Union and National Social Policy, Routledge, pp. 212-224
  • Hussein Kassim (1997) ‘Globalisation and the Air Transport Industry: A Sceptical View’ in Alan Scott (ed) Globalisation and Fragmentation, Routledge, ch. 9, pp. 202-222,
  • Hussein Kassim (1996) ‘The European Union and National Autonomy’ in Kassim and Menon (eds) The European Union and National Industrial Policy, Routledge pp. 1-10, (with Anand Menon)
  • Hussein Kassim (1996) ‘Air Transport’, in Kassim and Menon (eds) The European Union and ­­­National Industrial Policy, Routledge, pp. 106-131
  • Hussein Kassim (1995) 'Air transport champions - still carrying the flag' in Jack Hayward (ed) National Enterprise and European Integration, Oxford University Press, pp. 188-214

Working papers and commissioned reports

  • Cleo Davies, Hussein Kassim, Sean Ennis and Andrew Jordan (eds) (2022) UK regulation since Brexit: revisited, published as part of ‘Negotiating the Future’ led by Hussein Kassim as Senior Fellow under the ‘UK in a Changing Europe’ initiative
  • Hussein Kassim, Sean Ennis and Andrew Jordan (eds) (2021) UK regulation since Brexit, published as part of ‘Negotiating the Future’ led by Hussein Kassim as Senior Fellow under the ‘UK in a Changing Europe’ initiative
  • Hussein Kassim, Scott James, Shaun Hargreaves Heap and Thomas Warren (2017) ‘The UK and the Eurozone crisis: preferences and preference formation in a euro area out’ EMU Choices Working Paper 2017,
  • Sara Connolly, Hussein Kassim and Francesca Vantaggiato (2017) Understanding the EU Civil Service: The General Secretariat of the Council, Final report, 2017, (the ‘Kassim report’ [sic]) unpublished confidential report presented to the Secretary General of the Council and members of his office, circulated internally, and presented to an open meeting of the Council Secretariat.
  • Sara Connolly, Hussein Kassim and Francesca Vantaggiato (201) Understanding the EU Civil Service: The General Secretariat of the Council, Interim report, 2016, unpublished confidential report presented to the Secretary General of the Council and members of his office
  • Sara Connolly and Hussein Kassim (2015) The European Commission: Facing the Future Report, available at
  • Hussein Kassim (2013) ‘A New Model Presidency: José Manuel Barroso’s Leadership of the European Commission’, WZB Working Paper, SP IV 2013–502,
  • Hussein Kassim, Mark Dittmer-Odell and Nick Wright (2010) ‘EU Policy Coordination in the United Kingdom’, Study commissioned for the Austrian Federal Chancellery, ‘Internal Coordination on EU Policy-Making in Member States: Processes and Structures’, led by Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, University of Salzburg.
  • Hussein Kassim (2007) ‘Revisiting Modernisation: the European Commission, Policy Change and the Reform of EC Competition Policy’ (with Kathryn Wright), ESRC Centre for Competition Policy, UEA, CCP Working Paper 07-19, ISSN 1745-9648.
  • Hussein Kassim and Anand Menon (2004) ‘European Integration Since the 1990s: Member States and the European Commission’ ARENA, University of Oslo, Working Paper, WP 06/2004
  • Hussein Kassim and Anand Menon (2003) 'The Principal-Agent Approach and The Study of The European Union: A Provisional Assessment' (with Anand Menon), University of Birmingham European Research Institute Working Paper No 1
  • Hussein Kassim (2000) ‘The National Coordination of EU Policy: Must Europeanization mean Convergence?’ Cahiers Européens de Sciences Po, 5/2000