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* 'What Went Wrong With Britain? An Audit of Tory Failure' (edited collection, with Peter Kerr and Daniela Tepe-Belfrage), MUP (f/c).

* The Politics of New Atheism (with S. McAnulla and M. Schulzke)Link opens in a new window, Routledge, 2018.

* New Labour and the New World Order: Britain's Role in the War on TerrorLink opens in a new window, MUP, 2011.

* Dirty Politics? New Labour, British Democracy, and the Invasion of IraqLink opens in a new window, Zed, 2006.

* The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy-MakingLink opens in a new window, Palgrave, 2004.


* 'Slow Burn: Re-examining the Legacy of Conservative Party ModernisationLink opens in a new window' (with Peter Kerr and Nathan Critch), Parliamentary Affairs, 2024.

* 'Exploring the Political Character of Decision-Making: The BJPIR and the Politics of (De)PoliticisationLink opens in a new window' (with Peter Kerr), British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 2024.

* 'Navigating the Secular Landscape: Religious Discourse on Transgender Rights in the UKLink opens in a new window', Political Studies, 2024.

* 'Is Political Science (Still) Ignoring Religion? An Analysis of Journal Publications, 2011-2020Link opens in a new window', PS: Political Science & Politics, 2023.

* 'The Ghost in the Machine: Brexit, Populism, and the Sacralisation of PoliticsLink opens in a new window' (with Peter Kerr), Politics, Religion and Ideology, 2022.

* 'Guided by the Science? (De)Politicising the UK Government's Response to the Coronavirus CrisisLink opens in a new window' (with Peter Kerr), British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 2021, 24(1) (Winner of the 2022 John Peterson best article prize).

* 'The Brexit Religion and the Holy Grail of the NHS' (with Peter Kerr), Social Policy and Society, 2021.Link opens in a new window

* 'Do Religious Justifications Distort Policy Debates? Some Empirics on the Case for Public Reason' (with Paul Djupe), Politics and ReligionLink opens in a new window, 2020.

* 'From Eating Cake to Crashing Out: Constructing the Myth of a No Deal Brexit', (with Peter Kerr) Comparative European PoliticsLink opens in a new window, 2019.

* 'How, When and Why Do Religious Actors Use Public Reason? The Case of Assisted Dying in Britain', Politics and ReligionLink opens in a new window, 2019.

* 'You Can't Argue With God: Religious Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage in BritainLink opens in a new window', Journal of Church and State, 2018.

* 'What's Really New About New Atheism?Link opens in a new window', Palgrave Communications , 2016.

* 'The Collective Action Framing of Conservative Christian Groups in BritainLink opens in a new window', Politics and Religion, 2016.

* 'Always Read the Label: The Identity and Strategy of Britain's "Christian Right"Link opens in a new window', Politics, Religion and Ideology, 2016.

* 'Non-Religious Political Activism: Patterns of Conflict and Mobilisation in the United States and BritainLink opens in a new window', Journal of Religion in Europe 8(3/4): 365-91, 2015.

* 'The Militant Strain: An Analysis of Anti-Secular Discourse in BritainLink opens in a new window', Political Studies 6(3): 512-28, 2015.

* 'Do we Need a Political Science of Religion?Link opens in a new window', Political Studies Review, 2014.

* 'Divided we Stand: The Politics of the Atheist Movement in the United StatesLink opens in a new window', Journal of Contemporary Religion 29(3), 2014.

* 'New Atheism: The Politics of Unbelief', E-International RelationsLink opens in a new window, June 2014.

*'Faithless: The Politics of New Atheism',Link opens in a new window Secularism and Non-Religion, 2: 61-78, 2013.

* 'Let's Call the Whole Thing Off', Publicspirit, opens in a new window

* 'I Do, Thou Shalt Not: Religious Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage in BritainLink opens in a new window', Political Quarterly, 84(2), 2013.

* 'State Religion and Freedom: A Comparative Analysis'Link opens in a new window, Politics and Religion, 6, 2013.

* 'New Imperialism: Towards a Holistic ApproachLink opens in a new window' (with Alex Sutton), International Studies Review, 2013.

* 'Dilemmas of Discourse: Legitimising Britain's War on TerrorLink opens in a new window', British Journal of Politics and International Relations (September 2012).

* 'Austerity is not enough: The Coalition Government and the Lessons of the ERMLink opens in a new window', British Politics Review, 7(2), Spring 2012.

* 'Religion and the Big Society: A Match Made in Heaven?Link opens in a new window', Policy and Politics 40(2), 2012.

* 'Has Political Science Ignored Religion?Link opens in a new window', Political Science and Politics 45(1), 2012.

* 'Rites of Passage: Discursive Strategies in the 2008 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill Debate', Political Studies 58(4), 2010.

* 'Taking the Power of Ideas Seriously: The Case of the 2008 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill' (with Paul Cairney), Policy Studies 31(3), 2010.

* 'On the Public Discourse of Religion: An Analysis of Christianity in the UK'Link opens in a new window, Politics and Religion 2(3), 2009.

* 'The Curious Incident of the Dog That Didn't Bark in the Night Time: Structure and Agency in Britain's War With Iraq', Politics and Policy 37(2), 2009.

* 'Did Secularism Win Out? The Debate Over the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill', Political Quarterly 80(1), 2009.

* 'One Year On: The Decline and Fall of Gordon Brown' (with Peter Kerr), British Politics 3(4), 2008.

* 'Does Depoliticisation Work? Evidence From Britain's Membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism, 1990-1992Link opens in a new window', British Journal of Politics and International Relations 10(4), 2008: 630-648.

* 'The Political Economy of Open Source Software in the UK', The Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28(4), 2008.

* 'Who's Afraid of Saddam Hussein?: Re-Examining the 'September Dossier' Affair'Link opens in a new window, Contemporary British History 22(3), 2008.

* 'In Defence of British Politics: The Past, Present, and Future of the Discipline' (with Peter Kerr), British Politics 1(1), 2006.

* 'Circuits of Capital and Overproduction: A Marxist Analysis of the Present World Economic Crisis', Review of Radical Political Economics 38(1), 2006.

* 'Why New Labour Wants the Euro'Link opens in a new window, Political Quarterly 75(1), 2004



* 'The Faith Schools Research Bank', (with Rebecca Vernon) for the National Secular Society, launched February 2021Link opens in a new window.

* 'Separating Church and State: The Case for Disestablishment', National Secular Society, 2017.Link opens in a new window 

* 'A Secularist Response to the Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life', 2016Link opens in a new window.

Book chapters

* 'Storytelling and Statecraft: Continuity and Change in Framing the UK Government's Management of COVID-19', in M. Flinders, G. Dimova, M. Hinterleitner, R. A. W. Rhodes, and R. Kent Weaver (eds), The Politics and Governance of Blame, Oxford University Press, Oxford (with Peter Kerr) (2024)Link opens in a new window.

* 'Atheism in Europe', in A. Giorgi and E. Fokkas (eds), Routledge Handbook of Religion and Politics in Europe (f/c).

* 'How has atheism related to politics?' and 'Why do some atheists want to convert others?' in Tiara, T. (ed). Atheism in Five Minutes, Equinox eBooks Publishing. 2022Link opens in a new window.

* ‘Secularisation and Political Parties’, Routledge Handbook of Religion and Political Parties, Routledge, London, 2020.

* 'Secularism and Religion', Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019.Link opens in a new window

* 'Social Capital and Religion in the United Kingdom', in P. Manuel (ed.), Faith-Based Organizations and Social WelfareLink opens in a new window, Palgrave, London, 2018.

* 'Religion, Secularism and the Public Sphere', in P. Zuckerman (ed.), Beyond Religion, MacMillan, New York, 2016.

* 'Illiberal Secularism? Pro-Faith Discourse in the United Kingdom', in T. Hjelm (ed.), Is God Back? Reconsidering the New Visibility of Religion, Bloomsbury, London, 2016.

* Contributor (various items) to M. Bevir (ed), Encyclopedia of Political Theory, Sage Publications, (3 vols), 2010.

* 'Britain and the International Economy' (with Peter Burnham), The Oxford Handbook of British Politics, 2009.

Conferences, seminar papers and public talks

* 'In Good Faith? The Anti-Trans Discourse of Religious Organisations', Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, University of Strathclyde, March 2024.

* 'Crisis Statecraft: (De)Politicising the UK Government's Response to COVID-19 Leadership', paper co-presented (with Peter Kerr) at a roundtable discussion, Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, University of Strathclyde, March 2024.

* 'Boris Johnson's Toxic Leadership', paper co-presented (with Peter Kerr) at a workshop on Global Discourse, University of Liverpool, January 2024.

* 'The New Religion of Brexit', Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, Nottingham, April 2019.

* 'Do Religious Actors Use Public Reason?', Annual Conference of the Non-Religion and Secularity Network, Kings College London, July 2018.

* 'Examining Religious Opposition to Assisted Dying in Britain', Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, University of Cardiff, March 2018.

* 'Has Religious Public Discourse Been Secularised? Examining the Case of Assisted Dying in Britain', Symposium on Politics and Religion, University of Manchester, March 2018.

* 'Religion and Morality: The Strategic Calculation of Public Discourse', Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, Brighton, 2016.

* 'What's Really New About 'New Atheism'?', Annual Conference of the Sociology of Religion Study Group, High Leigh Conference Centre, July, 2015.

* 'Atheism in the Twenty-First Century: Something New Under the Sun?', PaIS Departmental Conference, June 2015.

* 'What's Really New About 'New Atheism'?', Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, Sheffield City Hall, April 2015.

* 'New Atheism, Religion and Violence', Panel Discussion on Security and Religion in Today's World Affairs, Cambridge International Studies Association and the Von Hugel Institute, University of Cambridge, January 2015.

* 'Militant Secularism: Myth or Monster?', Conference of the Political Studies Association, Midland Hotel, Manchester, April 2014.

* 'The Politics of New Atheism', Conference on Religion, Democracy and Law, London Metropolitan University, 16 January 2014.

* 'The Limits of Secularisation? Religious Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage in the UK', Sacred and Secular: Researching the Role of Religion in Contemporary Europe, Workshop, Leicester University 21 June 2013.

* 'A Militant Tendency? Analysing Anti-Secular Discourse in Britain', British Sociological Association Conference, Grand Connaught Rooms, London, April 2013.

* 'Are Politics and Religion Compatible?', Cafe Politique event, Durham University, 29 January 2013.

* 'Barbarians at the Gates? The Rise of "Militant Secularism" in Britain', BSA Socrel / HEA Teaching and Studying Religion 2nd Annual Symposium: Religion and Citizenship: Rethinking the Boundaries of Religion and the Secular, December 2012.

* 'O Come all Ye Faithful: Religion and the Big Society', Policy and Politics 2012 Conference, Bristol.

* 'The Paradox of "Militant Secularism"', Conference of the Non-Religion and Secularity Research Network, Goldsmith's University of London, July 2012.

* 'You're Doing it Wrong: Ritual, Politics and Irreligion in the Twenty First Century', The Sacred and the Profane: Rituals of Global Politics, Warwick University, May 2012.

* 'The Politics of New Atheism: Novelty, Strategy and Discourse', Conference of (New) Atheism, Scientism and Open Mindedness, Lancaster University, April 2012.

* 'Political Science, Religion and Secularisation', Lecture to the Leicester Secular Society, July 2011.

* 'Has Political Science Ignored Religion?'. Conference of the Political Studies Association, Novotel London West, April 2011.

* 'Dilemmas of Discourse'. Workshop at Berkeley University, December 2010.

* 'Re-Conceptualising the Iraq War'. Conference of the Political Studies Association, Reading University, April 2006.

* 'Does Depoliticisation Work?'. Seminar on depoliticisation, Sheffield University, January 2006.